S-video To Rgb - Possible?


man of poor reputation
Apr 23, 2004
Hildesheim, Germany.
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You don´t need to read the italic text to understand the problem

OK, so i have this little casemodding going on at the moment. The idea is to add a little PSone 5" screen to my PC. I wanted to solder some wires from the S-video TV- out of my PC directly to the circuit board of the screen. I t is a logic3 screen, and i thought it would, like Sony´s official PSone screen, run off a composite signal, so without checking i soldered a little circuit to convert the S-video signal to composite, connected it but it didn´t work. I didn´t know what went wrong, so i messed around with no result. Even when i connected an actual composite signal from my Dreamcast to the pins of the connector of the screen, which definitely should have worked. After a bit of messing aroud further, i coincidentally touched one of the other pins with the Video jack from my Dreamcast and saw a red flicker on the screen. Turns out if i touch some other pins, i get a green or blue flicker too, which must mean that the screen accepts RGB input.

So, the question is: Is there anyway i can output an RGB Scart-like signal with my PC? The TV - Out can do component and S-video.
Steve-O said:
is this what you want??? -


No, i want an RGBS signal, not composite. If i wanted a simple adaptor like this, i could build it myself.
Samba Pa Ti said:

expensive... and its rgbhv, thats the closest thing i can find

No, i need RGBS. If i needed RGBHV, it would be easier to grab it from the VGA output. However i found a device called the "trust televiewer" for around 30€, which can convert a VGA signal to RGBS. That should work, but i think it would also be possible and cheaper to use the YPbPr Component output, which i think is compatible with RGBS.

EDIT: BTW It seems to work, but the picture is flickering, distorted and wanders over the screen in a diagonal pattern. Dammnit, i already wasted 8 hours or so on this little project. It´s gotta work somehow...
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I don't have the box anymore, so I don't know what its called, but I have a small plastic box with a big black X on the top which takes either svideo or composite, and converts it to RGB signals, along with a horizontal and vertical sync. It also buffers the signal and creates the output from scratch.

Actually, ignore me, I see your not interested in VGA output which seems to be basically what the box outputs, considering the H and V sync.
Arg, i´m an idiot, of course i can´t use the component video to get an RGBS signal, because the signal needs to be interlaced to work with the old PSone screen. I managed to build a Scart adaptor though, so i can connect my Dreamcast to the screen.

Well, i guess i´m at the end of my knowledge. The only thing i could do is connect the R, G, and B inputs of the screen to the lumeniscence Pin of the S-video, which would give me a monochrome image ot least.

EDIT: Well, i managed to output interlaced video, but it´s still no good, since YPbPr is not compatible To RGB. It has one signal for lumeniscence, and two others for colour differences, whilst RGB has three lumensiscence signals, one for each colour. Again, i could hook up The RGB inputs to the Y (lumensicence) pin and get a monochrome picture, but since the minimal resolution i can set it to is 480i, i it would still be distorted and flickering.

Anyway, I got this far:

This is how the onscreen image looks if i display this thread.

Thanks to all who tried to help me. At least i learned quite a bit about video standards. Now what am i going to do with a screen which only supports lowres RGB? I want to use it somehow.
Im guessing your GFX card only has 1 x DVI / VGA output??.. Luckily my 7900GT has 2x DVI outputs so instead of wasting time fiddling with a PSone screen which was going to be my original plan, I just got hold of a 15" Dell LCD screen for free (well £18 as I needed to buy a new inverter board for it) and connected it to my 2nd DVI output with a DVI to VGA converter.

Dual View is great :D

Right now my Main monitor, 19" Widescreen HP has a VGA Y adaptor connected to it which then has a Logic3 VGA box connected that has Freeview, PS2, Dreamcast, N64 and Xbox connected to it and my Xbox 360 is connected to the other side of the VGA Y adaptor. Then I have my PC connected to the DVI port of the monitor. When I want to play say the PS2 or Xbox360 while surfing the net I just use the Dualview setup to put my browser screen etc on the 2nd monitor :D
My Card has a VGA and a DVI output, i could buy a 10" Touchscreen and install it inside the case, but i wanted to use this screen because i already had it lying around, plus i love it to fiddle around with stuff like that. Soldering is one of my hobbys.
Also, i want to use a screen that is not bigger than 7" so i can instal it at the front of my case, and it´s rather hard to get those.
Managed to output Monochrome Video:

But i´m not sure if i want a B/W monitor in my PC. Well, i´ll be getting a new Graphics card soon, might as well buy one that outputs RGB/S.