Sdk For Basic?


Still Fresh
Jun 12, 2007
Hey all, I'm new.

I'm seriously close to getting myself a GP2X, but it comes down to one hinging question:

Does the handheld have an SDK for BASIC?

I'm in the process of making some games in BASIC (using freeBASIC to program), but I need to know if I'm able to compile them in such a way that I could play them on the system. If I can, how do I go about changing button configurations?

I got the thought it may be on there because of a description for the console, saying it has a basic library, but I don't know if that's an adjective or a noun. If it's a basic library, it'd have basic stuff, but if it's BASIC, then I'm in business. If there's none already installed, has someone made one?

I don`t think so, but you can check
If there is one, it will most probably be there.
Otherwise I recommend you to learn another language :D
What about this?
Would that do the same thing? No, that probably means just basic development, not develop in BASIC..

What about DOSbox? Could that help in any way?
C is the dominant library, and is not that difficult to learn, despite what people say :) Also, it's damn useful for lots of other tasks too.
There's GLBasic, but you'll probably still need to rewrite a lot of stuff because most implementations of Basic are completely different from each other.
I'd side with the others and say BASIC will do more harm to your skills than good; but of course, you already know basiuc :) Didn't one of the BASIC companies start supporting the gp2x though? Realbasic or darkbasic or somesuch, so there is a game kit that you could use.. but its $$$ware.

Cool, I'll give Fenix a shot. Thanks for all your help.

One more thing, though. I heard that there are programs that rewrite a compiled program from the mechanical computer language into another language. Would I be able to write in BASIC, compile it, and then have it changed to C using one of these programs?

My friend and I know BASIC, he knows much more that I, and I'm not entirely sure he'd be willing to learn C with me. We try to make games together: he's got more programming talents than I and I'm the concepts and graphics idea guy :D

If he doesn't want to learn it and I couldn't finaegle my way around it, I'll take up another language.
Anyone have an idea if Blitz Basic is supported? or at least, what is the closest language to it, syntax and behaviour wise.
Eureka! I just found a SDK for basic! Hoo-rah!
It says "Compiles for PocketPC, Linux and GP2X with a single click" under What can GLBasic do?.

Just in case you were interested.. :)
Django said:
Eureka! I just found a SDK for basic! Hoo-rah!
It says "Compiles for PocketPC, Linux and GP2X with a single click" under What can GLBasic do?.

Just in case you were interested.. :)

Er, look up the page. I already told you this an hour after your original question.
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