Pandora Searching For Pnds With Bash


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2006
Is it possible to search for all PNDs in a given category using BASH?

Say I want a list of all games PNDs..?
You could grep the .desktop entries in the /usr/share/applications folder to find items containing the games category key. There is also a way to extract the PXML appended to the PND's themselves. Grepping the .desktop files would probably be faster though.
OK that's worked brilliantly. Now I've made a script to copy all matches to a directory within $HOME, but really I'd like those to be copied to a temporary area, something that's going to get cleared between sessions. I thought perhaps making a directory in utmp, which I gather points to an area in RAM rather than the NAND, but this directory can only be accessed by root. Is there any other area I can dump these temporary files in?