Speccy Emulator Abandoned?


Still Fresh
Mar 1, 2003

I am a new owner of a GP32 which I basically bought as a portable speccy. Imagine my disappointment when I found that many of my favourite games had control schemes that were not compatible with GPSpeccy (.06).

I love the Dizzy games. These have the normal up/down/left/right controls plus the pickup and jump buttons. GPSpeccy does not allow me to have 2 fire buttons assigned. Same goes with Underwurlde, 3 weeks in paradise, most arcade adventures actually!

I just want to ask if the source is development is continuing on this emulator, and if not, if the author would kindly open-source the emulator so that I can add the functionality that I want to see in this emulator, actually in the emulator.

Here is what I would like to see (in order of my own priority).

Control profiles for each game able to be stored back to the GP32. All buttons would be able to be used as keyboard presses or joystick presses aside from one menu-button. All user-configurable.

Save functionality.

Cleanup of the sound.

True 128k emulation.

Stretching (not so bothered about this)

Anyway - I'm willing to put in the effort for these items (which are not biggies). But I need the source to work with. Can anyone help me?

Sorry, I can't help, but Í just had to mention that saving the button mappings for each game is something I would REALLY look forward to.

This would apply to the SNES emus as well... it's a MAJOR pain having to reset the mappings every time since I rarely play very long, making the mapping time half of the time I spend playing (well, I am exaggerating....)

Also, I can't figure out how to change the mapping in Speccy, and it's even MORE annoying having to press L and then going to a key for every single movement in most games... I only really play the skool series, cuz they're the only games I have that work with the default mapping.
I agree, I thought the Speccy emu really needs button mapping also. BUT, in the case of Dizzy games, most of them seem to be fully playable anyway. I think is you leave it using the cursors (as default), the controls are mapped to this:

up: left
down: right
B: space (pick up stuff)
A: fire (jump)

so it is indeed quite playable, and not that confusing.

It might be easier to make your own emulator though, because as I understand it, the 48k Speccy is one of the most basic machines to emulate...but I might be wrong. I'm no programmer :)
Therein lies the problem my wee gurt.... I CAN'T PROG FOR MY LIFE!!!!
I've taught myself C++ for two years, then had it crammed in my head by a "pro" for one more year, and I got out of it knowing.... wait, what's that command already...... ok whatever.....
Anyway, if it is as simple as my dear friend gurt here says, someone please help our desperate coding impaired souls, and make a KICKASS SPECCY EMU!!!