

Still Fresh
Jan 23, 2008
New forum member, new F-200 owner, HI :)

I'm looking for a tool that will let me run a script and show me the output like sdlmore. But I want to be able to type some input.

A hacked sdlmore would do it, tcl-tk would.

If I knew python/ruby/sdlbasic/etc there might be an easy answer

It all sounds easy to me, but of course it does I haven't created a development environment yet :)
Parkydr said:
Do you mean something like sterm?


sterm is a wonderful tool, (thank you to the coders)
but it's too many extra keypresses for what I want.

Maybe I can say it clearer in bash :)

sdlmore permits me to hit a button and get the results to:
grep -i bob addressbook.txt

but I'd need a seperate button for anne. (and joe and ...)

under X one way of achieving this would be a button that runs this script:
xterm -e 'vi variable.txt'
xterm -e 'grep -i `cat variable.txt` addressbook.txt'

Under SDL, I have no idea.
Maybe what I need is an editor that takes a file name on the command line?

so search.gpu would look about like:
editor variable.txt
sdlmore grep -i `cat variable.txt` addressbook.txt
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I found a more gpxy example, closer to what I want:


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="./:/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib"

./sdlmore "grep -i $1 addressbook.txt"

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

then under Gmenu's settings for the program, for parameters you can type "bob" or "anne" and it'll spit out an address.

It works but still makes you work too hard for each address.