Urgently Need Help


Still Fresh
Apr 16, 2010
As the only caanoo reseller in the uk, i had to pre-order my caanoo from gameseek.co.uk. But my xbox 360 just broke, so i have asked my dad to get me the new xbox 360 instead (It's my birthday on the 28th). But after looking at this


I am really worried that my dad will not get his money back. Can anyone tell me the reliability of gameseek.co.uk? Or does anyone have a contact number for them because they only have an email address to send to...

If you have pre-ordered you caanoo from there be warned...

I don't know what to do, i haven't received it yet as it is released in 2 days, so technically my Dad should be able to cancel the order shouldn't he?

My dad has already sent an email, but no reply as of yet, if anyone has any suggestions on what to do your help would be much appreciated.

EDIT: They gave a refund... panic over