Wouldnt a Paint Program be cool

There are so many limitations for the use of a paint program that I
don't see much sense in making one.
There is a PCE program called "Artist Tool" though, if you want to draw
a little bit just for fun...
There are so many limitations for the use of a paint program that I
don't see much sense in making one.
There is a PCE program called "Artist Tool" though, if you want to draw
a little bit just for fun...

Edit: Sorry for double posting!
Just wait and see ;)

Pekele is a very talented artist and wouldn't make an art program unless he could see a useful purpose for it.

The main advantage, that I can see, is that you will be able to draw sprites and such on the same screen that they will be displayed on in the game or whatever it is that you're working on.
You will not have the problem of having to select colours on the PC and then test them out on the GP32. Often what looks right on a monitor is too dark on the GP32, so this is a good solution.

Just a thought...
No... I think the main advantage is scribbling all over the gif file used in windups for the background.
hmm let me think.....................

only for sprite creation, or creation straight onto the GP32, other wise it might be a bit finicky, and easier to use Paintshop Pro or whatever you use stright on PC.

fun for novelty, good for game design, otherwise maybe not

Just my two cents

With the Atari ST emulator out, there are a few paint programs out for that. I beleive saving is implemented in the emu now as well =)