Now This Is Cool(A 3DNES Emulator).


Advanced Member

Now, if they can ever get this running at 100% of how it is supposed to run, this would be way cool. This is the kind of software Nintendo should be developing, but sadly they are to busy releasing the 100th version of Pokemon, or whatever other series they are doing for the gajillionth time.

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but sadly they are to busy releasing the 100th version of Pokemon, or whatever other series they are doing for the gajillionth time.
Maybe a new Metroid that is better than the last one they showed us.

I don't see this being an improvement over playing NES games without 3D for me. I like them how they were presented back then, and some things look confusing or odd (characters walking through "solid" objects instead of in front of or behind them). It is cool, and probably great for some games, and some people will obviously love it.
Seems to work better for some games than others.

While it is a cool gimmick, these games don't need this to be good. In fact, in my opinion it detracts more than it adds.
Sorry about the video starting late, I fixed the link.

I'm not blaming anyone for anything shown here, I'm just saying this is a cool software feature that would be nice to see commercially if done right. As for "N", I would just rather see them innovating something new like this, that doesn't cost a ton of money like their hardware gimmicks do.

I am tired of seeing the same games again and again on each new system(or sometimes twice on the same system), but at this point, this is their main life source, so I guess if some don't mind it, it's not going to change. They don't have enough support for to actually change at this point, or do many new things.

I agree that most of the classic 8-bit games are excellent on their own, but I find this to be a nice way to re-experience those games(if done right of course).

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impressive! I like the concept, even if it won't work on all games.
there is a beta available to test, running in a unity webplayer. apparently it runs in firefox only right now and is quite glitchy but I haven't tested myself.

It seems to be built with openGL ES. would be a cool gimmick to play around with on the pyra... the developer plans to release it for android and iOS devices.
I thought you wanted us to start at that time. I will watch it later to get some of the Zelda and such that was mentioned.

Yeah, that was a mistake on my part. That's what happens when I do links late at night vs. getting some sleep. LOL

Wow, that guessing 3D algorithm is really something. Works pretty well...
I wonder how that works. It seems wrt the non-character sprites to be guessing which are background and which are foreground, and most of the time putting them on two levels only. Perhaps the NES sprite engine firmware has a record of which sprites should overwrite which other sprites, which the game can use to decide which are at which level. I think you only get three levels when there's a chain of sprites which each overwrite each other.

Clearly there's something else based on coloured areas going on for sprites, and something else again working for static things like the Dr Mario menu.

I'm not sure what's going on with those 3D areas in Contra, where all of the sprites are nigh on invisible, but I've not played that game on NES that far yet, so I'm not sure what it should look like. But it looks like they've got a lot of different approaches running well already - more effort now is probably needed to optimise that code for speed. I guess porting it from a browser-based plugin to a more portable library might help, as she's apparently doing based on that Ars article.

The Ars article suggests most of the work is done using shape recognition of coloured and shaded areas, inferring Z-level information from that. That might explain how it works out the Dr Mario levels.
I love the idea.
Hopefully this will work out nicely in the end.

If it works for one system will it be easier to set up for other systems?