GP32 Another Gp32 Store In The Us.


Wanna Be Programmer
Dec 18, 2003
Oregon, USA
Visit site
Somebody else should do another US based store now that GP32z has stopped
selling GP32's indefinately. It's sad :( . Anybody that did that would be honored
by everyone in the US on the boards, I'm sure.
they would be..

I honor jr2swiss as I got my modded BLU, SMC, and chatboard from him.
I think the problem is that there is not much money to be made and alot of risk and time involved. Anyone that would have a store would just be buying bulk from Lik-Sang. If a US store charged $20.00 more per unit everyone would just order from LS directly. If a US store charged less, It wouldn't be worth doing. There are risks as what happens if you get some dodgy units? you have to ship back and forth and so on.

I was thinking about doing it too but decided against it. Although one reason is that I can't program HTML to do a website. I would have been able to do the GP32 side well as I can do volt mods, Glass screens, button tune-ups etc. All of mine would go to 166 as any lame units would have automatically been modded by me.
I'm in the U.S. and I need to get a new BLU, but I think I'm going to be forced to go through lik-sang or gmax, which are great mind you, but shipping sux! A U.S. gp32 distributer would be my hero!
There used to be one, GP32z, operated by J2rswiss. But he stopped
selling them :( It's where I got mine from.