Turn Based Tactics Games On Gp32?


Still Fresh
Dec 8, 2004
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Hi all,

I'm new to GP32, just received it yesterday, so far well impressed :) gp32_console

Just wondering if there are any free or to buy turn based tactics games for the GP32, something on the lines of Vandal Hearts/ Tactics Ogre/ FF Tactics?

I don't think there are any but hey... you don't know unless you ask.

Appreciate any replies and look forward to being a part of the forums B)
There's a lot on emulated consoles. Crystal Warriors on gamegear kept me entertained for a while when I first got mine, and there are about another 3 that I can't name also for GG/SMS. Then there's Military Madness on TG16 (uses passwords, so no need to worry about saves), and Famicom Wars for the Nes (along with many many others - e.g. Daisenryaku) - though bear in mind FW is in Japanese, which doesn't help. Then there's Laser Squad for C64 and AtariST, Civilisation for ST and SNES, and Populous for about as many consoles as you care to name.

Conversely, for the GP32 itself, there's nothing in the turn-based vein, save GP32war, and only GPFW in the realtime one (though GPFW is really more than enough, considering just how extensible it actually is :) ).
Holy cow... that GP wars game looks sweet! How close does it play to Advance Wars? That's still one of my favorite GBA games!
You could try Desert Commander for NES by Kemco...







As I recall, the Panzer General game on PC/PSX was based on a Megadrive/Genesis game...

Edit: Oh it was Iron Storm, I believe... AKA Daisenryaku. Which was mentioned.
Okay I'm confused, are GP Wars and GPFW different games? Got a link to any page for GPFW if it's different?
ah okay was googling but didn't know what FW stood for.

looks very cool, both games do.

GOD I can't wait to get my GP.......

Open source and freeware ROCK!
Hope you don't get the faulty one ;) all that stuff you were saying about them not being faulty and the homebrew titles being at fault will haunt you lol
any one know of that one game for
NGPC were it was like a turnbased
strategy game with toy robots and everyone told
thier robots what to do before the turn started
and then they all did it at the same time.

All I can remember is that it was in a name that game
thingy in one of the lastest GameInformer magazines.
My friend's mom threw it out though and I can't remember what it was called...

any help with this?
Wow, thanks for all the replies, both GPwars and GPFW look like great games, will download them and try 'em out, used to love C&C :D

Does anyone know if Mega-lo-Mania has been ported? damn I'd love to play that game again!

Oh, and one other thing, my girlfriend is thinking about getting a GP32 so we can link up, are there many games you can link for 2 players?
tekt5 posted on Dec 8 2004 at 08:24 PM said:
any one know of that one game for
NGPC were it was like a turnbased
strategy game with toy robots and everyone told
thier robots what to do before the turn started
and then they all did it at the same time.

All I can remember is that it was in a name that game
thingy in one of the lastest GameInformer magazines.
My friend's mom threw it out though and I can't remember what it was called...

any help with this?

I'm sure it's called Faselei ;p
I got it ;)
great game btw ;)
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Tetlee posted on Dec 8 2004 at 09:15 PM said:
Does anyone know if Mega-lo-Mania has been ported? damn I'd love to play that game again!

Hi :)
Yes, Mega-Lo-Mania have been ported to Genesis / Megadrive ;p
but unfortunatly like Dune 2 or Sensible Soccer on this platform, I totaly failed to make it run on any emu on GP32 :((( if somebody success or know how then I'm listening carrefuly every tips & advices ;p
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Tetlee posted on Dec 8 2004 at 09:15 PM said:
Wow, thanks for all the replies, both GPwars and GPFW look like great games, will download them and try 'em out, used to love C&C :D

Does anyone know if Mega-lo-Mania has been ported? damn I'd love to play that game again!

Oh, and one other thing, my girlfriend is thinking about getting a GP32 so we can link up, are there many games you can link for 2 players?

Starcraft- Greatest Game Ever. Best selling pc game of all time. So ballenced u can flip a coin on it . Starcraft Wips C&C 40,000 Times Around. I bought wc3 and wc3 (Which May I add is more recent then SC) Dosent even come close.
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HandHeldGosu posted on Dec 8 2004 at 09:24 PM said:
Starcraft- Greatest Game Ever. Best selling pc game of all time. So ballenced u can flip a coin on it . Starcraft Wips C&C 40,000 Times Around. I bought wc3 and wc3 (Which May I add is more recent then SC) Dosent even come close.

hummm correct me if I'm wrong but Starcraft don't exist in any form on GP32 ;)
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