Why I Tryed Castaway ;-)


Still Fresh
Nov 27, 2004

I'm a long time (still) Amiga user ;-).

But I'm also a new GP32 user and I wanted a kind of PDA use... but I couldn't find any decent native software... so I asked myself... hey I could use emulators to do so !! and I found this great emulator ;-)

I don't use it for games, but for the TOS and softwares, but I need some help now...

I would like to set up a kind of Harddisk file for the AtariST, but I don't know if it is possible.

I'm also looking for some softwares :
- adress book
- word editor
- Agenda
- calendar

Thank you very much :).

PS : I'm a newby on AtariST :p.
I've not built a hard drive driver for the emu yet; hopefulyl someday but no bets on when :)

I do hope to have some game compatability fixes in there in a little while.

You can run wordprocessors and such; things like calendar apps and such may be goofy to use since the GP32 has no clock in it, so keeping track of time and such is screwy.

I know the atarti st sounds like a good pda setup, but have you tried the newest version of gplinux, you would have more tools, and there would be better future support also.
I know the atarti st sounds like a good pda setup, but have you tried the newest version of gplinux, you would have more tools, and there would be better future support also.

Yes I thought about that solution but I never used Linux so I don't know where to find pre-compiled software for GP32linux and how to compil things :-(. Is there a "how to" somewhere ?

Thank you for your (you and others) help :).
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