Dreamcast Online Functions


man of poor reputation
Apr 23, 2004
Hildesheim, Germany.
Visit site
Hello, about two moths ago i got a Dreamcast because of the kewl homebrew & emulation stuff. Yesterday i tried to get online with it (with Dreamkey 1.0, just to check it out) , but i couldn´t get it working :( ... So i´m asking if surfing with the Dreamcast is still possible and if yes, do i need Dreamkey 3.0? And where can i get it?
not sure about that but I have phantasy star online and the official servers have been down for quite some time now.
You need a free isp me thinks (2p a min sort or a 56k anything) or a BB adapter.

You can route through your pc or something also... there will be stuff on dcemulation about this.
You will need DreamKey 3. As it is the only one that lets you configure your ISP.

Get one free off Sega Europe (Yes, you heard right, sege europe STILL send them out!)
Do as it says inthese instructions!
seganet, yes, but you can still get online using your own isp. i did it a while back using my free school dialup info
sounds great...i have yet to get pso but sounds great. can i go online without broadband using my switch and digital connection with flatrate?
Nothiing to do with the problem:

But wasnt it boss when the sent everyone a free Chu Chu Rocket game in the post?
Kop_007 posted on Feb 19 2005 at 04:05 AM said:
Nothiing to do with the problem:

But wasnt it boss when the sent everyone a free Chu Chu Rocket game in the post?

We never got that deal in Australia.

That and all the other continual fuck ups from fucked up Ozisoft. Fuckin' bastards.
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OK, I know what that means... It´s just that i´m not very good at interpreting english short words.
Anyway, i ordered the CD 2 weeks ago and still didn´t get a email reply or anything... seems like they dont send them anymore... So What...