Question About Processes And Graphs


I like turtles!
Sep 2, 2004
Dteuschland ;)
Sorry, I`m starting to feel like a spammer, but this is really bugging me:

How do make a process, or better, the graph of a process stay on top of another process? (Giving it a higher layer?)
I did not have any problem with this yet, but as I started working on a big project, I noticed that the "layers" just flip back and forth from time to time.
I too have wondered this, but have yet to require knowing how to do it.

My only suggestion for now is to try and figure out what order the things should be drawn according to how it's coded.

Anyway, if someone knows a simpler way, please post it, for both our sakes :)

there is a feature for this too, same as the local x and y variables there is a z variable too, which indicates the 'layer'. A lower z means a higher layer, a process is always displayed above all processes with a higher z value, zero being the standard value.
so how do you call it? nameofprocess(x,y,z) ?

Thanks, Moogle, just tried it!

You really are a Fenix guru!
Well, the Fenix scene started from scratch not too long ago, and although learning at an impressive rate, a month never tought anyone the ins and outs of a language.Since it's not a that broad language it's relatively easy to know a lot about, which means for me that I have most answers within knowledge limits. And in terms of learning it, since documentation isn't Fenix strongest point the best help is to try to explain problems when people run into them :)

Maybe we need a FAQ topic with questions bundeled?
the lack of documnentation is what put me off fenix. respect to quiest.
:) thanks. Don`t forget about the community when there is lack of documentation ;).

The FAQ idea would be great, but how about this: let all Fenix coders put together some code examples for doing useful things (for example: how to make a background, how to scroll text, making menus, shooting in different directions, moving a character around, using multiple fpgs, making animations, etc, etc?

The only thing bugging me so far about the Fenix forum is, it`s newer posts doesn`t appear under "Development forums", they are under "General Forums" :D
I think you're right, the more source code examples we have for everyone, the better. And yes, the community does help, I've learned a lot by asking questions.

I might release shoot2 soon, in case you're interested. I'm doing more tests for my proper game, and I might comment it and release it if people want something more advanced than "shoot" was.


I'm glad Quiest is around, it's nice to see people with his kind of passion and intelligence (passion and idiocy is not a good combination) and I'm sure we'll all benefit from him, either from playing his games or learning something new about Fenix.
