Why hasnt anyone suggested this


Still Fresh
i cant belive no one has done this yet i think that some one should port lemmings there is about a million versions of it and its really basic from the old pcs anybody wanna do it?
I've found that every console version of lemmings just didn't feel right... PC, Atari or Amiga are probably the best versions... tho control is pretty difficult without a mouse... it was bad enough playing SCUMM games with the gp joystick...

wouldn't it be great if the GP had a trackball as well as/instead of a clicky joystick thing? :)
Yeah, the joypad for scumm is pretty annoying...
I just wondered... I think it would be nice if you could select the commands using the L (previous) and R (next) buttons from the GP32
EvilDragon posted on Mar 20 2003 said:
Yeah, the joypad for scumm is pretty annoying...
I just wondered... I think it would be nice if you could select the commands using the L (previous) and R (next) buttons from the GP32
You can do that in some games...
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you can use L/R to select the actions in the SNES version... but then youve not got any sound....

..... yet :)
I've tried the sms version and it seems to look fine, but then again i hate lemmings 'cos i played it to death when i was around 10. :D
Hey, jlebrech, nice emulator page on your website (I just noticed you added one)! :D
Do add "Game Gear" under the list of systems that SMS32 can emulate, though B)

As for Lemmings... I seem to have a (much harder) Christmas version of Lemmings on my computer as well as the original... does anyone know if that's available on any other console?
As for Lemmings... I seem to have a (much harder) Christmas version of Lemmings on my computer as well as the original... does anyone know if that's available on any other console?

christmas lemmings 93/94 was just basically a modded version of the origional lemmings game, with the lemmings wearing santa hats, and big presents and candy canes all over the place, it was relesed for the pc, amiga and mac.

lemmings info page...

a nice picture of a lemming, just for you..
The Amiga version is even better - the only version where you could challenge a friend and play in a two-player-mode :))
deanollive posted on Apr 7 2003 said:
Lemmings 2 on snes works quite nicely? :D
Lemmings 2 on the Amiga was 2d gaming perfection. You can quote me on that too!

I think that once a perfect Amiga emulator is done. You can kiss the other emulation projects goodbye. Every man and his dog will buy a GP32 for the mere fact that he will be able to play Turrican 2, Speedball 2... the Lemmings series... not to mention the other 100s of true amiga classics, that made the amiga the envy of the world in the 80s and early 90s.

So come on you coders out there, get cracking. I know I'll get several GP32s if they can get the Amiga emu to work properly.

Can you imagine 2 way Lemmings via a usb connection. How about 2 way Stunt Car Racer.

The mind boggles at the possibilities!
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