

Efram the retarded rabbit
Jul 2, 2003
I cant encode my films! Its so annoying. I can encode the video stream but i can never get the sound to work no matter what the source is. I hav the nimo codec pack installed (version 8) and also the divx codecs (3, 4 and 5). Does anyone know how i can get my sound to encode properly? Iv tried movielink and virtual dub but it just wont happen!
Have you downloaded Unified Codecs Pack? You can download this pack from JoyGP (look under the FAQ-board -> Encoding movies trough Virtual Dub), and all my movies I have encoded works with MoviePark. I don't know if you need this pack, but my movies work so... :)
Not at all, it wont encode. In movielink and virtualdub i get the message "unable to play back audio stream". Or "unable to find suitable renderer". I hav downloaded that codec pack and installed all of it and it still wont work. I have the mp3 codec. I dont get it because i can play back the source and playback stuff that already works on the gp but i cant convert stuff. Can anyone help?
The different versions of Divx codecs can clash with each other when installed separately. I recommend you uninstall ALL of your codecs, and then reinstall the nimo pack, including both Divx 4.12 and Divx 5. And select all of the sound codecs you feel comfortable with. This should solve the problem. It worked for me when I had the same problem.
It could however, be the video you are trying to encode, I kept getting similar messages with episodes of The Simpsons downloaded off kazaa <_< Evil Dragon Pointed me in the direction of Divx Pack (can't remember the link) which installs all of the Divx codecs at once and allows you to use them all together. Do a search in the forum for similiar topics and I'm sure the link will be around somewhere. It solved my problem.
Cool, thanks, iv tried the nimo codec pack on its own (basically all of it). That didnt work and then i tried the united codecs pack, that didnt work... Do you think it could b possible my sound card isnt compatable?
You don't need any codec pack, they all suck. Just install divx5 and/or xvid.

I've had my own troubles with sound and it seems moviepark only accepts mp3 sound converted & encoded with virtualdub. Moviepark also refuses to play files with soundtracks longer than the videotrack, it seems :)

Btw, use virtualdubmod with avisynth. you can find these and a lot of other helpfull stuff on