Got A Psp Today.

Shadow of Chaos

Active Member
Oct 8, 2003
South wales, UK.
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so it was launch day today here in the UK.

Picked up a value pack with all the extra's like accessory bundle and ridge racer, total price came to £210 which is good imo.

I like the system, it is really nice to look at. I played the game for about 30 mins in total but i must say it is very good for a handheld, best gfx i have seen on such a compact console.

I havent inserted the demo disk yet, it says on the outside casing that it updates the software? is this a lock to stop you using homebrew & downloaded games for the system?
Doh sound gooded waf! Got Spider-Man film toos with system? Faf how to grapeful for internet and homebrew. Wonder which firmware versioned? All newer firmware try to prevent using homebrew but hear can use internet with latest version, will be fooded if someone cracked faf, then fatch Fouge movie on all dayed while browse web B).
That depends on what firmware you already have.

Check by going to "system settings" then "system information".


EDIT: Spelling.

EU PSPs come with 1.52 installed.

They have 2.0 on the demo disc.

If you want to play homebrew and have various UMD advantages - DON'T UPGRADE.
does the demo disc automatically update your psp, as in totally unprompted?

if somebody is feeling nice i'd love a demo disc that i could rip apart to fool fastloader into thinking i had a umd in the drive!
Don't upgrade, use Yoshi's firmware trick! it works!!!

Don't upgrade
It copies the upgrade over to your MS first and won't run without AC power I belive. And can't you just tape down the "detector" thing in the UMD drive to fool "fastloader"? there were directions etc posted a few weeks back on various sites...

lubidog posted on Sep 2 2005 at 10:35 AM said:
Don't upgrade, use Yoshi's firmware trick! it works!!!

Don't upgrade

It works??? Where is it???
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I think he just means the util thats out ( by the same guy doing the firmware downgrade allegedly ) that can change the firmware version of a 1.5 or a 1.0 to 1.5x/2.0 without upgrading hence allowing games to run.
Quiest posted on Sep 2 2005 at 09:02 AM said:
lubidog posted on Sep 2 2005 at 10:35 AM said:
Don't upgrade, use Yoshi's firmware trick! it works!!!

Don't upgrade

It works??? Where is it???


I got virtua tennis last night, ran this programme, and the psp thinks it as already upgraded! In the system settings it says v.2. But it isn't, as I can change it back and still play Chrono Trigger on the snes emu!!!!

Wunderbar! Virtua Tennis is good, btw! very good.
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lubidog posted on Sep 2 2005 at 11:52 AM said:

I got virtua tennis last night, ran this programme, and the psp thinks it as already upgraded! In the system settings it says v.2. But it isn't, as I can change it back and still play Chrono Trigger on the snes emu!!!!

Wunderbar! Virtua Tennis is good, btw! very good.

Yuck! That link goes to that money-from-homebrew-making commercial PSP Site...

Get it from the PSP File Archive instead rather click on the banner there if you want - 'cause I also run Clicks For Devs for the PSP, and this month the money goes to Yoyo and team. :)
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Sorry, but I couldn't find your site, Evil.

Of course I shouldn't have linked to that terrible site! Just hate the thought of you guys upgrading when you needn't.

BTW, haven't really read the instructions yet (they are in German, gute Uebung fuer mich-still no umlauts here), but is it Wifi online?
I need to use the demo disk to access the internet ( dont understand how that works tho ) so i can get my free spiderman 2 umd, according to the shop i got it from. So.. if i put the demo disk in and it upgrades, is there any way to go back?
Nope not yet.

You guys get free Spidey2 UMDs? damn that sucks after a certain point you were just outta luck in the US... though I wonder if they arnt trying to pass more of them out to get people to trade up to 2.0. Feel like I should have heard about it by now if that were the case though.
no you dont !!! What ever you do do not upgrade !! Sure you get a browser and attrac3 + AVC support but you potentially lose so much more !! I know your 1.52 is not capable at the moment of doing homebrew but it should be within the next comeing weeks. You can get your free spiderman 2 movie from and follow the links (on your pc, as long as you have one). I have already signed mine up and its not even brought from this country (apprantly it doesnt matter as long as you are a member of the uk resident). I have also submitted my serial etc and it went through no probs !! Everybody better pay a visit to

IMPORTANT MESSAGE (that should be with every psp)

Insert Demo Disk, upgrade to 2.00. We do not want you using your new equipment to play homebrew or to expliot us by using your mem card to play commercial games.

Haha but we already are and the rest will follow (lol) :lol:
lubidog posted on Sep 2 2005 at 09:52 AM said:
Quiest posted on Sep 2 2005 at 09:02 AM said:
lubidog posted on Sep 2 2005 at 10:35 AM said:
Don't upgrade, use Yoshi's firmware trick! it works!!!

Don't upgrade

It works??? Where is it???


I got virtua tennis last night, ran this programme, and the psp thinks it as already upgraded! In the system settings it says v.2. But it isn't, as I can change it back and still play Chrono Trigger on the snes emu!!!!

Wunderbar! Virtua Tennis is good, btw! very good.
I Don´t think he meant the Version changer but the (promised) downgrading tool...
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Fishbong posted on Sep 2 2005 at 06:07 PM said:
lubidog posted on Sep 2 2005 at 09:52 AM said:
Quiest posted on Sep 2 2005 at 09:02 AM said:
lubidog posted on Sep 2 2005 at 10:35 AM said:
Don't upgrade, use Yoshi's firmware trick! it works!!!

Don't upgrade

It works??? Where is it???


I got virtua tennis last night, ran this programme, and the psp thinks it as already upgraded! In the system settings it says v.2. But it isn't, as I can change it back and still play Chrono Trigger on the snes emu!!!!

Wunderbar! Virtua Tennis is good, btw! very good.
I Don´t think he meant the Version changer but the (promised) downgrading tool...

Nope, meant the version changer!

I have a 1.5 psp, and haven't played anything on it for months apart from homebrew, and snes.

But Virtua tennis wanted me to upgrade the firmware, so the Version changer makes the psp think that it has upgraded but you haven't. Ask Kop what I mean! It means you can play new games with old software...

Is it so confusing? The downgrader means nowt to me, as I have a good firmware already!
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