Many Psp Games/accesories, Going On Sale Today


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Just thought I'd give the heads up, was talking to a friend of mine at Gamestop yesterday, and he let me know that they are going to be getting some shipments of PSP stuff in either today or tommorow, most of the launch games (I think it was pretty much all of them except for the Sony games), and some accesories, will all be available for purchase today (wednesday march 16th).

Spider man, Wipeout, Tony Hawk, Ridge Racers and many others will be in, so for anyone who wants to pick them up early or anyone with an import system, just thought I'd let everyone know.
I would if I lived in the US :P I have to wait till the 30th before I get my stuff from the import store :unsure: So what ya buying? ;)

Gotta love gamestop $40US shipping for one game to Aus :lol:
Hmmm well seems I was misinformed... while it is true that the stuff I talked about did ship out on the 15th, none of the stores have gotten them yet, and now not expecting them to arrive until maybe this monday. Usually game companies ship stuff out next day or second day guaranteed air, but since the PSP is not due out for another week, the game companies are shipping all this stuff out just regular ground shipping... either way it will be in stores before the actual system releases but I guess not soon enough to be any big deal now :(

I will most likely pick up Spiderman, Tony Hawk, possibly Wipeout and Metal Gear Acid as I would very much like to play thru this again in English, seeing as how I never even used more than half of the cards I found/bought as I didn't know what they did and have NO idea what the story was about other than what I read at Gamespot. The great thing about that game is there is such a randomness to it that, IMO, gives it a great amount of replay value... you wont ever play thru any given level the same way twice, even if you wanted to, it all depends on what cards you are dealt.

Games here are mostly going for $50, but a few (like Lumines) will be $40.
i went to go pick up something at gamestop yesterday, and noticed they had a bunch of 3rd party psp accesories. i didn't see/notice any psp games, though.

i'll gladly pick some games up if i had the money for it, haha. i barely have enough for just a psp unit now.
yeah they have had accesories for like one or two weeks now, mostly those crappy packs that have like one thing you want and five things you don't... well at least for me :P #1 accesory on my list right now that I'm dying for is a car charger, and some game cases or just a really well designed system carry case in general.
Yeah I'd like a good hard carry case that I can put my PSP in, chuck in my backpack when I go to university and not have to worry about it getting damaged....
i promised myself that i won't baby my psp once i get it. that's one thing i hate myself for always doing, babying newly aquired gadgets, hehe. nah, i'm gonna take this with me everywhere and play it hard. one thing that i'm sure to need is a screen protector, though. too bad it seems like most of the available ones suck, or so most psp owners say.
Im an idiot coz i should get a a screen protector as i take my psp to work and i wokr on building sites and stuff and my hands are always dirty. I even cracked my ipod screen not long after i got that but i never learn.
CABBAGES posted on Mar 18 2005 at 03:38 PM said:
Im an idiot coz i should get a a screen protector as i take my psp to work and i wokr on building sites and stuff and my hands are always dirty. I even cracked my ipod screen not long after i got that but i never learn.

Poor PSP :( hehe :)
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Okay they did get some games today (Friday). NFSU, Spiderman and Tony Hawk came in. I picked up Spiderman and Tony Hawk, Spiderman is good, Tony Hawk is great, so far enjoying both of them.

Not that it needs confirming any more, but this also confirms that yes, the US games work fine on the Japanese system.

I also picked up a Pelican brand "Face Armor" for $10.

I can't find a good pic of it to show you unfortunately, but it's a pretty cool face protector. It attaches at the top edge of the system using the two little screw holes on either side of the USB port, and is a flip down hard face cover that covers the whole face of the unit. It has a soft foam padding on the inside. I've started using this in lieu of the slip cover that came in the value pack, although if you want you can use this AND put it in the slip cover, it's a little tight but it slips in and out without much fuss. So just one less thing DS fans have to gripe at the PSP about :P seriously though with this in place the screen is just as protected as the DS or GBA SP when they are folded closed, only of course since this is only a cover it is very slim and doesn't add much to the bulk of the unit.

For those who were wanting just a screen cover, I did buy some Japanese ones with my PSP initially for like $8 each, they actually were pretty good. They use static to stick, so are reusable, and don't leave any kind of sticky residue or mess up the picture quality of the screen at all. The only thing that bugged me was that it is kinda hard to get all the dust off the screen and keep it off long enough to apply the thing, which of course if there is dust will give you air bubbles... eventually I gave up and just took it off. But if you can get to a dust free environment or are just really patient, then I would say that, the one I had at least, was perfect for what it did and will definatley keep your screen from getting scratched while not interfering with gameplay in any way. I can't find a pic of the particular brand I bought but I would guess they are all very similiar? Anyways... not sure why people are saying they suck.
by the way, all the gamestop's (in my area, at least) HAVE already recieved their shipments of the actual PSP systems already. Of course, they aren't selling them yet.

Also, my friend there did confirm they ARE going to do a midnight release (thursday 12:00 AM, open until probably 2:00 AM he said), and they ONLY have enough to cover their reservations... no reserve, no PSP. At least... not at midnight....

However, they also told me there is already a second shipment scheduled to arrive on release day (during the daytime of course) or possibly the day after, so it's possible that non reserve customers may still be able to pick one up that day or the next day.

My friend pulled one out to show me and the boxes for the US systems are almost identical to the boxes for the Japanese ones, which I think is a good thing as I liked the Japanese boxes a lot.

And yes before anyone asks me he was not pulling my leg, I did actually hold the box, it wasn't just an empty box, and unlike the Japanese ones, the US ones do come sealed with a strip of clear tape over the lid.
Little update, it seems most of the other launch games are going to be available at some point today (Monday). Like 10 or 12 games coming in the shipment at Gamestop.
i will be doing my entire psp purchasing through ebay.

for the games i will be going with a store called alternative DVD with the games ranging from $35-49 and postage to europe being $15 plus $5 for each game after, basically you could get a selection of four top quality games for under £100 delivered.

i'm currently not on the computer with my links so will edit this post later with the ebay url if you're interested.