NGP Emulator anyone?

NGPC deal on Lik-Sang....
Go for it, you will not spend your money in any better way!
It depends what you've got already and what your after?

If you want it for its puzzle, platform and beat em ups. Then the GP and Gameboy already have those licked.

If you have a gameboy for fighting Street Fighter Alpha is £12 and King of the Fighters FX: Neo Blood is £6! there both the best fighters you can get on hand held.

Paltform games again the GP and Gameboy have the Mario and Sonic games, Alex the Kid it just doesnt come better than that. And puzzle games well the again the GP and GBA rule the roost.

On top of that you have the GP for graphical adventure and and RPG and the GBA for Aciton/RPG i.e Zelda, Golden Sun and soon Sword of Mana (Secret of Mana sequel)

So if you just want to pick up a dieing console on its way out then go for it. if Your just looking for a different gaming experiance i dont think it can offer you any thing the other 2 cant though if you havent got a GBA then id say go for it (or get a GBA).

for Sratergy you have Advance Wars 1& 2 on game boy and Lazer Squad on Castaway ( + loads more)

Personaly im slightly tempted by the Capcon V SNK card fighters and Metal slug though :)
I don't see how anyone can argue emulation, if they use emulators. It's piracy anyway you look at it, and the people who use the emulators are not going to buy the games anyway, so no one is getting hurt. Also it is pretty hard to track down games for NGP. If you do find them expect to pay a lot for them. The area where I live I can not find anything NGP, and the system is dead so why whine? Also about GBA emulation, I am a little impartial to comment because I hate nintendo, all most as much as microsoft.
i have a strong hatred against sony for some reason :/ i wonder what thats about o w8 maybe because i think the ps2 is horribly over priced compared the xbox. + then theres the funky nintendo console which is really nice. I still cant explain my hatred 4 sony how strangee
NssOne i have added you to my AIM buddy list and if your intrested in my turbo grafx 16/ express we could talk there. Ill have to count the games, but im pretty sure i have around 40. Where do you live[ counttry ] my AIM is ----- kapyart -----

It truly is a great system with great games. and i do have some of the best, ie: Nutopia, golden Axe I & II, Keith Courage, Raiden, and many more [ thats all i can think off ] lol
Why hate Nintendo, MS or Sony? So the PS2 is overpriced junk, So windows crashes, so you call nintendo a kiddies company to look big infront of your 9yr old m8's. They've done nothing to you, they're just trying to make money.

If someone offered you a £1million a year job to be some high up guy in any one of those companies would you not take the job? would you not push your product to the the limit of your abilities to make sure it succeeds and makes you more money? of course you would.

All this I hate MS rubbish gets on my tits, why do you hate them? "monopoly this, windows crashes that, moan, moan ,moan." use an apple or run linux dont use MS products then spend your life hating them for your dependancy..... and who the hell would hate Nintendo? any why ?
JDUK posted on Jul 24 2003 said:
Why hate Nintendo, MS or Sony? So the PS2 is overpriced junk, So windows crashes, so you call nintendo a kiddies company to look big infront of your 9yr old m8's.  They've done nothing to you, they're just trying to make money.

If someone offered you a £1million a year job to be some high up guy in any one of those companies would you not take the job? would you not push your product to the the limit of your abilities to make sure it succeeds and makes you more money? of course you would.

All this I hate MS rubbish gets on my tits, why do you hate them? "monopoly this, windows crashes that, moan, moan ,moan." use an apple or run linux dont use MS products then spend your life hating them for your dependancy..... and who the hell would hate Nintendo? any why ?
Off Topic.

I hate Micro$oft because they are thieves. :angry:

This has been said before i know, But all they do is nick ideas, code and other such stuff from other companies and hack it into something they call their own. Make deals with small companies, Pull out when they have what they want, Then misteriously the small company goes bust :blink: .

I mean, Even M$-Dos was`nt their own.
Neither was the original windows,
Or M$-Java virtual machine.

It has nothing to do with monopoly.

Its just plain THEFT. :angry:

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This goes on throughout the industry so why jump on MS for it and no one else, ever notice how every net browser bears more than a passing resemblance to IE or how word processing program x looks just like word processing program Y. Notice how Mac OS front end is getting closer to being like Window. OK MS do it but so does every one else MS just represent some one convenient to hate for all the wrongs in the media industry.

AGAIN put your self in the job of MS employee who could make a fat bundle off of a software rip off that conveniently skates through legal loop holes, wouldn’t you? if it made you buckets of money? I’m not saying they actually do this.. . But you are and in the end wouldn’t you for that amount of cash?

And a Disk Operating System (DOS) is vital to the workings of a modern coputer system how can you say that company X is ripping off another D.O.S and company Y isnt? there are a lot of bitter ppl out there that want to claim legal right to a share of the MS monetary pie and will claim anything to get it. So is Apple Mac's Disk OS' a rip off of the another DOS (what ever that may be) or a 100% origonal way of accesing data from disks completley diferent from any thing that went brfore it ?? :rolleyes:
Notice how Mac OS front end is getting closer to being like Window

actually windows have always stole mac gui ideas. Even when XP came out every1 was in a uproar about it in the mac scean cause they copied off mac. You cant blame them tho mac has the design flair in everything they make.

I know what u mean about hating sony. I hate nintendo for having shuch a strong grip on the handheld scean yet i feel sorry for them as there console isnt doing well at all. Its a bit @#$%^& up ^^;

NiN^_^NiN posted on Jul 25 2003 said:
hate nintendo for having shuch a strong grip on the handheld scean
Why hate some one for being successful? Again this is the whole reason most ppl hate MS no matter the way they argue it, it comes down to them being filthy rich and cornering a certain market, you MS-hating lot hate them for it but are totally unwilling to do any thing about it except whine. I’m sorry to seem harsh but if you don’t like it use another product, if you hate it make your own OS, if you cant do either put up or shut up.

I am pained to say this but some people think life owe's them every thing, and they need to input 0% personal effort to get what they want. e.g people whining about Windows and MS and expect others to program another peice of software that will do every thing for them (just like windows) but without the whole monopoly, suposed stealing of ideas, etc, etc. Again it comes down to -> If you dont like the product or producer dont use it BUT for the love of baby jebus dont use it then whine like children about why its so damn evil.
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I don't particularly care about MS one way or the other. They don't owe me anything. It's not like I BOUGHT one of their OSs or anything...

Anyway, didn't this thread have something to do with the NGPC? :unsure:
I never said anything about hating microsoft i just said they use the ideas from other places i didnt say i hated them.

And if u read what i said about nintendo i said i hated em and loved em

life owe's them every thing, and they need to input 0%

Life owes me crap i dont care if i want something i'll do it i dont care people hate microsoft or not you are forgetting they have the right to wine about MS if they like. They dont have to shutup its a free country....err internet whatever it is but every1 has there right to complain if they like so just ignore them.

Only 3 people said they dont like what microsoft do and they are prob based on the buggy software, the way they playdown small companys etc. I dont think any of them were 1 of them I hate windows cause every1 else does.

Anyway, didn't this thread have something to do with the NGPC?

Yes it did lets just stop about the MS stuff and wait for the new NGPC emu :D

NiN^_^NiN posted on Jul 25 2003 said:
I never said anything about hating microsoft i just said they use the ideas from other places i didnt say i hated them.

And if u read what i said about nintendo i said i hated em and loved em

life owe's them every thing, and they need to input 0%

Life owes me crap i dont care if i want something i'll do it i dont care people hate microsoft or not you are forgetting they have the right to wine about MS if they like. They dont have to shutup its a free country....err internet whatever it is but every1 has there right to complain if they like so just ignore them.

Only 3 people said they dont like what microsoft do and they are prob based on the buggy software, the way they playdown small companys etc. I dont think any of them were 1 of them I hate windows cause every1 else does.

Anyway, didn't this thread have something to do with the NGPC?

Yes it did lets just stop about the MS stuff and wait for the new NGPC emu :D

Only the "why hate some one for being succesful" was aimed at you NiN and it seems amazing thats the only part you didnt have an answer for :rolleyes:

The rest still holds true those MS haters have no reason for hating MS besides what they read about what someone else said on another web site. If MS did indeed rip any one off then they would be nailed to the wall for it , im sure any one with any leway to sue MS would, after all that lawsuit would be worth a fortune.

And i know ppl have the right to whine their arse off. My advice was to shut up only becuse they cant do anything about it, and we have to read about it non-freaking-stop on about every forum ever made about how ppl hate MS for a wide variety of non-descript reasons. <_<
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Geez dude stop being such a hard ass. I hate Nintendo, because they pissed off Squaresoft. Also because their first party games are boring and repetive. I hate microsoft because of Window M.E. and the bastards want a hand in everything, and they have a tradition of ripping off other companies. I sorta like X-Box. It's the only thing they have done right so far. Anyway why do you support them so much? Or is it you just want something to bitch about?
Niny made a business decision that didn’t sit well with square, oh my gods what a great reason to hate some one. :rolleyes:
Its not like Nintendo pulled Squares pony tails in the play ground and told every one Square peed its pants on the school trip :rolleyes:
Oh dear Windows ME, smell the hatred, they want a hand in every thing well OMG if that’s not good business sense for a company of that size I don’t see you hating AOL Time Warner??? :rolleyes:

Basically you hate ppl for no reason what so ever except you dislike a decision they made on a business level that you assume they made on a personal level to directly piss you off :rolleyes:

Damn there is not a big enough rolleyes emoticon for this thread. Why hate them it’s a waste of your time?