Update From Gp2x.co.kr



There has been an update on the official site. According to the development team, some PCs are recognizing GP2x when it's connected, while others don't. However, on USB Monitor, it's been recognized by all PCs.

Is there anyone who's an expert on Windows and USB matter wants to elaborate?
as stated a few hundred times before in dozens of threads, the firmware is being fine tuned before GPH will release the systems.
But is it really the firmware that causes these problems? I would guess it's just a typical Windows thing.
Windows is monolithic kernel and USB support is added to kernel through floppy disk emulation. Because it is monolithic the tables for the resources get messed up easily.

Initial use of any USB device (first time plugged in to system), will use NEXT available shared DMA, IRQ, IO. Possibly shared resources, not best. Subsequent uses will be determined by frequency of use, if plugged in all the time, device will get resources higher in priority list. ie keyboards /mice.

Devices removed from system will get lower priority assignments.

Easiest fix is to use device mangler, remove USB controllers from hardware listing and reboot. Wizard rediscovers hardware and assigns new, better resource assignments.

ie ones that aren't already being used. DMA, IO addresses, IRQs etc

Another alternative is to strip "PCI BUS" from device mangler and reboot system, Wizard will refresh all hardware resource assignments, usually in a more logical manner than initial install of OS.

Linux, kernel must be compiled with USB support, better to not use modular option there.

As for hardware itself, not all systems are created equal. The standards state voltage levels per line as ranges. Dell systems run at the low side of the range (know this from personal experience)
Windows is monolithic kernel and USB support is added to kernel through floppy disk emulation. Because it is monolithic the tables for the resources get messed up easily.

Sounds like a horrible joke but it isn't, is it? :lol:
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A long as it works on a mac... :p

To flash the firmware do you need a USB cable plugged in and use crappy software on a PC or can you drag the new firmware onto the SD card and run the update from there?
the firmware makes the mac blow up as soon as the usb cable is connected, oh and it also causes the gp2x to melt in your hands.

Apart from that, it is very compatible.
I envy the USB and general hardware capabilities of the Mac for autodetection and auto configuration. The only other computer that came close to that, was the Amiga (After Amiga OS 2.

Windows has made quite a few advances in that area, but still you get glitches and hangups.
To flash the firmware do you need a USB cable plugged in and use crappy software on a PC or can you drag the new firmware onto the SD card and run the update from there?

At the moment, you need to use a serial lead (USB is not supported) and use a program that supports Kermit to upload the kernel image. However, GPH are working on a program to be able to flash from SD card.
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Yep it probably is windows. Guy in our office had a new pc installed with xp professional, the rest of us have win2000. plugged in his usb pen drive and it saw the device but wouldn't register it as a drive. I checked the driver and manually gave it a drive letter but windows wouldn't still wouldn't see it. So rebooted machine with pen drive attached and when windows loaded it found it and you can access it fine. Take it out and plug in another computer you can access it straight away, plug it back in that machine and then you have to reboot.
My conclusion is it's probably windows <_<
I've come to the conclusion the more intelligent you are the more Windows plays up... most of the people I know that totally computer illiterate have no problems with Windows, even when they do some crazy things you'd never reccomend them to do like randomly inserting and removing USB stuff without safely removing etc...

Yet, if you know what your doing you only have to open up Word to type up some stuff and Windows will crash and die...

Conclusion... be stupid, forget all you know... C++? is that some new orange drink? :D
This whole incident has been, rather, refreshing to me. Most big companies, when it comes to trouble they have with their products, simply lie to us with straight face, but GPH has been, at least, honest and trying their best to address the issue.

Dell never admitted their WiFi driver sucked, although they acknowledged that it doesn't work always on all setups, and rather took easy route of blaming other ISPs. Sony never officially admitted there is problem with their DVD functionality on PS2 or infamous PS1 FMV skipping problem. MS has too many to list, and so on and on and on.

If GP2x was made by one of those companies, I can totally see them just releasing it and saying either, "what problem?" or "it's your sucky PC". Look at the latest PS2 that Sony released in Japan, it's not even fully compatible with PS2 games, and they knew about the problem, but didn't bother fixing it because the new model had been already in production when they found out.
I've come to the conclusion the more intelligent you are the more Windows plays up... most of the people I know that totally computer illiterate have no problems with Windows, even when they do some crazy things you'd never reccomend them to do like randomly inserting and removing USB stuff without safely removing etc...

Yet, if you know what your doing you only have to open up Word to type up some stuff and Windows will crash and die...

Conclusion... be stupid, forget all you know... C++? is that some new orange drink? :D
Best quote ever! :lol: Sig-ed
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