Gp2x Serial Cables

uboot is needed to initialise the serial port, so it's not very likely. If your uboot has been wiped, you'll need jtag.
The EXT port has jtag... why not a JTAG cable?

there are schematics to make a cheap JTAG flasher on the net somewhere.
Squidge posted on Dec 2 2005 at 03:18 PM said:
uboot is needed to initialise the serial port, so it's not very likely. If your uboot has been wiped, you'll need jtag.
How do I get jtag & what do I need to do? The US distributor said GPH won't replace it & he doesn't know how to fix it if it's that badly bricked.
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Well I hope you are not scared of soldering and lots of really fidlly homebrew code/hardware!

I have found this:

Can't read the scematics but the specs for this are kicking around the net.

you could also buy a kit for some obscene ammount of $$$ (100s atleast).

Basiacally JTAG is a sort of debugging and testing / recovery facility on CPUs and FLASH memory (and other devices). Don't know much beyond that.

Someone here must have made their own JTAG cables'n stuff?
(special software will be needed as well, along with a firmware image)
speak up! :)