Volume Not Working


Still Fresh
Dec 20, 2005
South Africa

I just want to find out if it is my GP2X or just the software. Some of the emulators, like MAME Robatron, SCUMMVM and others the volume control does not do anything to changing the volume, is this normal? :huh:

wow its just a switch? how fucking incredibly lame is that, i wish i never knew.

so now weve got a shit joystick, shit placement of AC port, shit soldering on the headphone jack, and now i find out the volume control isnt really a proper control its just a switch, how dumb is that.

dont get me wrong, i still love the thingand i am literally going to explode if i dont get it soon (christmas day!) but seriously, the more i find out the more i realise that i could have been oh so much better
But it does mean that emulators that need 2 more buttons have 2 more buttons. Not like most volume controls on other stuff isn't the same way anyway, just kindof depends on the software/firmware.
so what if you are in a crowded room and want to turn the volume up but cant because the switch is just a switch between "low" and "high" volume, or taken up by buttons on a game, or what if your in a library or something and need to turn it down/put headphones on and turn it up still?
Paradox posted on Dec 23 2005 at 05:31 PM said:
so now weve got a shit joystick, shit placement of AC port, shit soldering on the headphone jack, and now i find out the volume control isnt really a proper control its just a switch, how dumb is that.

• I like the joystick 1000 time more than the GP32's.
• My jack is fine.
• Actually, I like the idea of seperate buttons better ... coders can assign any function to them.

You should try to re-direct some of that negative energy; it's good for the soul :)
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Who said something about low and high? they're buttons, the software decides what they do. I don't mind software having to control volume itself in a way, plus i'm sure its not to insanely hard, though other controls do seem to work better haha!
nobody said anything about low and high, but its not hard to imagine what the volume control does, its a 2 way switch right? it goes left, and it goes right, so natrually its safe to assume switching it left would make the volume low, and switching it right would make it high, it wouldnt be so bad if there was a middle part where it could be set to "normal" volume, infact a whole new switch should have been used, i dont know what theyre called, but you know what i mean, the round things which spin. a button like that could still have been used in games exactly the same way the 2-way switch button does now, game detect switch turning left..it performs X action...right..same..same as the 2 way switch..
I'll take the possibility of an extra two buttons over a hardware volume control any day. at least this way it gives the programmers the choice of what to do with the buttons, and the exta buttons will be needed if the PSX emulator gets better.

The volume control works fine on the Genesis and C64 emulators... it doesn't work very well on the snes emulator though :p

seriously, I don't think you'll find it an issue when you actually get the device.
oh, so its not a switch just 2 buttons? i guess i jumped to conclusions too early, so if you press the left button it will go down as you press it?

i feel very silly now :p so ill just leave quietly...
It's 2 separate buttons, So can be used for anything the dev wants. Most emus atm are very much WIP so havent set them up to use that vol buttons. DrMDx does though and I'm sure that most emus will do in the future.
Paradox posted on Dec 23 2005 at 05:45 PM said:
oh, so its not a switch just 2 buttons? i guess i jumped to conclusions too early, so if you press the left button it will go down as you press it?

i feel very silly now :p so ill just leave quietly...
Yes, you jumped to a conclusion too early, and it took a couple of people telling you that it was wrong before you shut up about it.

If you press the left part of the volume button, most programs will turn the volume down, and if you press the right part of the button, most programs will turn the volume up. But, it is totally up to the program. In the case of the CPU-LCD tweaker program, the volume buttons change the timing prescaler value, which has nothing to do with volume.
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It's sad because this is the kind of stuff that could be handled by the operating system - someone hits the volume button? it should change the volume... headphone inserted? shut off the speakers. Someone holds both of the volume buttons for a couple seconds? Pop up a window to allow killing the program and returning to the main menu, etc etc. Of course it'd be nice to add an interface so programs can override this stuff (and perhaps a setting in the main menu for the headphone behavior).
wyefye posted on Dec 24 2005 at 01:40 AM said:
Paradox, you deserve to have your gp2x taken away.

except i dont have it yet!

which explains why i was confused about the volume control
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I think it's great. Also the fact that you can push vol+ and vol- at the same time and that the gp2x recognizes both too of course ^^

Sure it's stupid that coders have to care of stuff like the volume control but most of them handle it quite well and I don't think it's a huge amount of extra work, is it?