I Hate Q*bert.


Recovering Sega Addict
Nov 14, 2005
Worcester, MA
Just got Q*Bert for MAME, as it's a classic, and damn that's hard. I got past level 1 and that's it.

Any suggestions for strategies? The game's really fun, but incredibly difficult.
Rayek posted on Dec 30 2005 at 11:17 PM said:
Just got Q*Bert for MAME, as it's a classic, and damn that's hard. I got past level 1 and that's it.

Any suggestions for strategies? The game's really fun, but incredibly difficult.

Um, don't jump off the sides? ;)

Hmm, I play Q-bert a lot on my mame cab but I don't really have any strategies. I do well up until you have the double colors that go back when you hit them. I just avoid Coily, the rest of the stuff that comes out doesn't seem as harmful. :)

Sorry I couldn't offer up any strategies. You'll get better w/ practice. If you really want tips the place to go is twingalaxies. All the competitive retro-gamers hang out there.

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I would suggest that when the snake appears, make for one of the platforms, then jump on it when he's close. The snake will jump off the edge and you will get more points for doing this than you will get for not using the platforms.
thank you a lot!

I've been refining my dig-dug abilities of late, though. I've managed to squeeze out 3400 or so points out of squishing every enemy I see with rocks, though it is rather risky! I've made it to level seven, and that's it. Doing it regularly would get me to level 15 or so, but I want to make bank fast ;)
Rayek posted on Dec 31 2005 at 06:24 PM said:
thank you a lot!

I've been refining my dig-dug abilities of late, though. I've managed to squeeze out 3400 or so points out of squishing every enemy I see with rocks, though it is rather risky! I've made it to level seven, and that's it. Doing it regularly would get me to level 15 or so, but I want to make bank fast ;)

I like to do that in Dig Dug too. Going for maximum points in one shot. Zookeeper has a similar thing going on. You get exponentially more points for the # of animals you jump over.

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Shane forgot to mention Dig-Dug as a greed game about two months ago on retrogaming radio... He always talks about zookeeper though. That game is definitely fun, except the controls are a bit sloppy at times, when going around corners.