Gp32 Compaired To Gp2x???


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Can the GP2X emulate everything that the GP32 can currently??

Just wanting to know as I might sell my GP32 BLU if the GP2X can do all the same + more... :)
...Depends on what you use it for.

Still some bugs to iron out, and not many of the emus/ports are running at thier full potential, but in the unlikely case that all you use the GP32 for is DrMD, then go right ahead, by all means...

Otherwise I'd say wait a bit. Stuff is popping up every day, so you might be covered within the month even, but it's all about what you use on the GP32.
That wasn't his question, he wasn't asking if the gp2x can emulate the gp32. He was asking if the gp2x can emulate most of the platforms that the gp32 can emulate, and the answer is: some now, and more sooner than later.
Steve-O, for now the GP32 is still the daddy for most emus.

GP2x versions of DRMD and Frodo are better than on the GP32 IMO. However, most other things still feel very 'beta' if you know what I mean. For instance Castaway on the GP32 is better than OutcaST at the moment, but OutcaST has more potential.

For now I would honestly hold onto the GP32 if you are not sure. Have a look at the GP2X download site to see whether it will do what you want.
think I will wait till it catches up with the GP32 Emu wise then :)
I would ay if youve had loads of fun with your gp32 and you think you would like more, jump ship now. Its more exiteing now, every day yuo get a buzz looking at the file aechives and seeing whats new. I dont think in a years time that the pace of things will be the same. B)
I would ay if youve had loads of fun with your gp32 and you think you would like more, jump ship now. Its more exiteing now, every day yuo get a buzz looking at the file aechives and seeing whats new. I dont think in a years time that the pace of things will be the same. B)
What the fecks up with my spelling?
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If the price of the GP32 goes down significantly in the next few months, I will buy one on eBay, probably. It's still got potential, and it's still a great system. I'd wait before you get rid of it.
Was the GP32 hard to use when it first came out (and when was that?)? Did it have similar problems to the GP2X in getting it to function?
Was the GP32 hard to use when it first came out (and when was that?)? Did it have similar problems to the GP2X in getting it to function?
Yes, the gp32 was difficult when it first came out. You had to register your gp32 on gameparks crappy site and run a couple applications and then they would send you a file launcher which is what you used to run homebrew. And it was a painful process that many people had problems with. The gp2x is, imho, much easier to use (although that could be because I have experience with getting used to the gp32.....).
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Can the GP2X emulate everything that the GP32 can currently??

Just wanting to know as I might sell my GP32 BLU if the GP2X can do all the same + more... :)

There are many systems that don't run very well on the GP2X yet, and some don't even exist.

Rlyeh's GP32 emus are better than most of the stuff now on the GP2X. NES, GB,GBC,Coleco, SNES, Speccy, Amstrad, Lynx, Atari-ST, PC-Engine, SMS, MSX, Atari-2600, are all still better on the GP32 or don't exist yet on the GP2X.
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What? GB/C runs perfectly with sound on the GP2X (not overclocked).

The sound is glitchy/garbled at times. Plus there is no support for zipped ROMs which is a big one. If you have alot of ROMs they take up too much space uncompressed. Rlyeh's GB/GBC emu is pretty much perfect all around.
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