High Capacity Batteries

Well, they're non-rechargeable, which puts off most people who plan to use their '2x lots.

They're also Alkaline, which rumours say don't last as long as NiMH batteries with the same mAh rating, though I don't know if that's true or not..
*Shrugs* Even non-rechargeables have a capacity! 'High capacity' just makes them sound more appealing, I guess, even though 2850 mAh seems to be fairly standard (from a brief googling, anyway).
They say high-capacity because they are 2850mAh, which is pretty high capacity to me :)

They are meant for heavy duty applications, and at $5, they are pretty good value.

Still prefer rechargables myself, mind.
k3nn posted on Feb 26 2006 at 02:42 PM said:
Well, they're non-rechargeable, which puts off most people who plan to use their '2x lots.

They're also Alkaline, which rumours say don't last as long as NiMH batteries with the same mAh rating, though I don't know if that's true or not..

I think it's the power curve. I can't find the reference now, but I seem to remember reading that alkaline batteries have a gradual voltage drop with use (which is why alkaline batteries too dead for using in a gameboy will often still work for a TV remote) whereas the rechargable NiMH's have a fairly level power curve until they reach the end of the charge, where they drop sharply to 0.
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