Tv-out Through Usb?!

Wouldn't that be interesting?

Like housing a program for the host computer on the gp2x, and sending it over at start up, then executing the program on the host computer - which then listens for the data from the gp2x, and finally, put the gp2x into a pseudo-tvout state.

Eh, I can always dream. :)
Vimacs posted on Apr 23 2006 at 06:31 PM said:
Wouldn't that be interesting?
no, it wouldnt not only be not intresting but also totaly uselss and retarded.

Personally, I would much rather be able to output to a computer, than a television. This way you could easily record things - and you could use it just about anywhere, like at school.

You might want to brush up on your english before insulting. "no, it wouldnt not only be not intresting" is confusing enough.
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ohhh, you mean a vnc session, not tvout over a adapter, now that i read your edit and anser its clear.
well, should be very possible once we have a stable usb driver, wich we should get with the next fw.
it would be possible, but I'd imagine it would also sap rather a lot of power, so don't expect to play emu's over it.
Strangely enough I was thinking of something similar today. Run a VNC server on the gp2x, and you have a portable linux desktop that boots in 15 seconds. Ala i It would be much better if it could be powered over usb.

btw vimacs, my modified g_ether driver is humming along nicely :)