NGPC emu

The Mole

Oct 29, 2003
Just installed this to my GP32, i have downloaded two games but i cant get either to work.

The first game Cool Cool Jam just is a set of squares on the screen

The next Cardfighters Clash laods up the intro screen then crashes.

What i would like to know is, is do you think it could be a bad download ( on the games) or am i not doing something in order to get these games to work.

welll it looks like these 2 games are not (yet?) supported on this emu ;)
I sometimes play the Metal Slug games and kof, but never tried these 2 games you mentioned ;)

edit: I just tried cool cool jam.. its working fine.. some graphic gliches at the 'intro' but fine..
Card Clash or what its called crashes (the screen stays black)
edit2: nono! this game also works
SNK Vs Capcom - Card Fighters Clash 2 - Expand Edition (J) [!].npc
i dont know if its the same game that you mean but it works.
You just have to wait long until it starts :)
Thanks for your help. I must be doing something wrong.


I was not doing anything wrong i must have had duff files, i downloaded some other games from another site and they work fine.