Im Having Problems Encoding


Still Fresh
Jan 5, 2004
i used smart ripper and got the vob filr on to my hdd.then i used dvd2avi.but when i try to use vfapi it doesn't recognise the file.where am i going wrong.
I had the same trouble, it might be the wrong version but I never could figure out if it was. I found something cal AutoGK that does the work of converting to .AVI automatically... atleast it seems to. I'm still testing it but I had better luck with that than with vfapi.
VFAPI Reader Codec 1.05

That version works 100%, I use lightning to rip the vobs, dvd2avi to create a wav file, then use Vfapi to convert a "Fake" file for VDUB to recognise, but U MUST have the VFAPI codec plugin on VDUB

Any more help i would be happy to point u in the right direction, i can mail the small files aswell as there all free

...hmmm I dont get it, I have 1.05 but the fake file never seemed to work for me... I'll try it again later tonight but it seems as if maybe it's not creating the fake correctly.
Alpha, whats your email? I will send you all the versions I have and use, if you like.

Also, are you making sure that the vob files, and the D2V files are in the same folder as I just tried reading a D2V file where the VOBs were somewhere else and had an error?
If you had an error post it here

I havent had a chance to check it out again and see what the problems were but I seem to remember most of the time I'd get a video file but there was no valid sound file... Dont take me at my word right now though. At the moment I'm trying to encode a copy of Bulletproof Monk but I cant seem to use DviX.... it's like to only wants to use XviD... <_<

I'll get back to you on the specific issues I'm having so you'll be able to have a better idea of what might be my problem.