Recent content by amobius

  1. A

    Perspective Of A New User:

    Imhotep and gavi, thankyou guys SO much for that tidbit... I am not yet versed in the various emulators that are out yet. GP FCE runs most of my games flawlessly I am SO happy now :) I wasnt able to get mike tysons punch out ( one my all time faves ) to work from the first fight, oddly...
  2. A

    Perspective Of A New User:

    Hello freinds and the GP2X forum :) I ordered my GP2X from Play Asia and they got that thing to my home from south korea in like 24 hours man. I have to give props to them for that. I have a few questions as a newb at the gp2x scene , I run f8 and toy around in gentoo if im feeling too...