Recent content by Bartz

  1. Bartz

    Irrlicht Beginner - Help Requested

    Thanks for your replies guys. I've checked everything you said, but it all seems to have been configured. Maybe it's because the tutorial is outdated? I'll try to find another source for learning then :). Thanks very much, I'll let you know!
  2. Bartz

    is a beginning Pandora developer

    is a beginning Pandora developer
  3. Bartz

    is a beginning Pandora developer

    is a beginning Pandora developer
  4. Bartz

    Irrlicht Beginner - Help Requested

    Hi Jan-Nik, thanks for your response. Unfortunately removing /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup results in these errors: 1>MSVCRTD.lib(crtexew.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16 referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup...
  5. Bartz

    Irrlicht Beginner - Help Requested

    Hello everyone, I'm interested in developing for the Pandora, and would like to start out using Irrlicht. I've never used Irrlicht before, though I have worked with several other engines. I'm using Visual Studio Pro 9 for Irrlicht, but unfortunately the engine won't really work for me. I've...