Recent content by Dude

  1. Dude

    ever thrown in the towel because of impossible work conditions?

    After two years as a contractor... I got a "White" badge at a certain computer company that starts with and H and ends with a P... For the next 5 or so company meetings... the one topic that repeatedly came up was the low wages... poor management... and how they are doing everything! GONE! in...
  2. Dude

    GPD XD

    This just isn't the type of device I would toss $200 and wait for a year... not when I can purchase one and get in it a couple days, with no fear of loosing funds... on a "flex" goal? whut's that?
  3. Dude

    How to calculate a price for the Pyra

    Ah yes... the Family plan... "Free calls between Pyra users!" --- ha ha
  4. Dude

    The RetroPi

    I believe many people would "LIKE" to get one... They may have a pi or it's on their list... This would generate awareness of the Retrode ! and the ability to use old 'favorite' controllers ... very smart marketing !!! The case is of coarse the Icing on the cake! And of coarse once a few...
  5. Dude

    Site certificates

    SHA1 (encryption) is dropped as of the beginning of this year... some browsers will have a problem... Most answers will tell you to use a more modern browser, with modern encryption. (Could mean that the NSA can't read it easy enough? JK! JK! ) SHA1 is an old encryption standard and is being...
  6. Dude

    Pyra, low specs and high price. Dead before it even releases.

    maybe two or three.... just in case.... one with an alumin shell ... one with a titanium shell...  you know.... in case we all need to hack the planet...or the solar system... I hope they don't change the OS at the last minute... Install windows X with a cobbled on LOCKED UEFI bootloader...???
  7. Dude

    Pyra, low specs and high price. Dead before it even releases.

    Damn, I better purchase one before they all end up like the Atari 2600 E.T. cartridge !!!
  8. Dude

    Happy Birthday pandora

    Just had to wish the team that made this all possible, a big THANK YOU! Only one year ago the first unit shipped. May 21, 2010! So much has happened since then! Congratulations! and Happy Birthday!
  9. Dude

    Android, Chrome OS & Ubuntu for Beagleboard - Current Bounty $425

    Found a few sites with info on the omap, this one is all android + omap PS. This forum ROCKS!
  10. Dude

    3DS vs NGP

    Buy them all , play them all , sell the crap...
  11. Dude


    Ah , yes, I see a couple directions, from complete home brew, to some partially pre-engineered parts... interesting. (goes off to investigate uart programming...) thanks
  12. Dude

    Wi-Fi problems \ Nubs\

    Don't forget, sometimes the obvious... dirty contacts,,,etc... contact on the sd card, sd card holder...get a light in there and take a look... been there .... done that..... loose battery contacts can produce some strange events as well...
  13. Dude

    Pandora Experience

    Great news! I find personal testimonies very interesting, and helpful. Keep us informed! Not to mention, most of the posts do deal more with problems... it's nice to hear to plus side once in a while...
  14. Dude

    pandorabot Curious if anyone would be interested in an open source robot project. The palro is upwards of $3000 It would be fun to experiment with, but I doubt the price would ever be approachable for something similar to pandora.
  15. Dude

    More boards, more software (2011 - 01 - 24)

    This is all incredible news !!! I am in the 2nd batch, ordering Jan of this year AND.. I am thankful for ALL of those who ordered early-on and waited patiently ( okay... may be some not so patient ) while supporting such a worthwhile venture! Keeping the Pandora project in motion, and...