Recent content by furyhunter600

  1. F

    Dosbox! It's Confusing.

    Well, I was asking because when I try to run it (and, after attempting Raptor: Call of Shadows, try to run anything) it just goes back to the gp2x menu.
  2. F

    Dosbox! It's Confusing.

    I'm trying to get a fan-game project, known as Sonic Project Mettrix, running on the gp2x. It's a DOS-based game that uses dos4gw. My question is, does dosbox gp2x support dos4gw or not? If it does, what configuration options are needed?
  3. F

    Question About Emulators

    GP2X is much easier to set up for emulation but uses AA batteries and is a bit slower on some things, namely SNES emulation. PSP is a lot harder, but uses the rechargeable battery pack and is faster with SNES emulation. It's all dependent on your needs, really. I own an F100 myself (the one...
  4. F

    It Won't Compile?

    Well, crap. Sorry about that... I found my stupidly common mistake again, this time taking a record 8 hours to find out what was wrong: CODE if ( system_init() = 0 ) system_endgame(); See it? See that one huge hellish mistake? Yes. Now disregard this topic XD
  5. F

    It Won't Compile?

    So I'm getting back into programming stuff in C, and after about an hour of coding and no compiling and then compiling, I'm greeted with a single error (Both good -and- bad.): CODE In function 'SDL_main': invalid lvalue in assignment {Warning} large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type...
  6. F


    Actually, Game Maker/GML is an interpreted language and thus if an interpreter were made for the gp2x, it could be done. The chances are so unlikely that it's best left alone anyway, though.
  7. F

    Any Touhou-esque Shmups For Gp2x?

    I've been hooked to bullet-hell shmups for a while, and I got into Touhou. Is there any bullet-hell, or curtain fire shmups for the gp2x that I haven't heard of? Speaking of which, how do I get NP22X working so I can run the older Touhou games?
  8. F

    Does Music Support In Sdl_mixer

    Well, I'm using the official Gamepark Holdings GP2X SDK. Will using Guyfawkes's SDL libs break compiling for windows?
  9. F

    Does Music Support In Sdl_mixer

    The next gamestate uses an mp3 just to test this. Same result.
  10. F

    Does Music Support In Sdl_mixer

    I can't put my finger on it... does SDL_mixer's music functionality just not work on the gp2x or is there something wrong with my code? I'm playing a 22050 Stereo ogg through the music functions, but no music comes out (sound effects still do though, and the music works on windows). I know...
  11. F

    GP2X Stderr Doesn't Appear On Gp2x Binary

    ohhh, okay. That makes sense. But now the thing outright crashes o.O edit: nowait, something else is causing the crash. I'll look for that and then try again. edit2: okay, it works.
  12. F

    GP2X Stderr Doesn't Appear On Gp2x Binary

    Alrighty, new problem at hand; I tried answering this myself on the other topic, but it didn't help. Let's say I'm going to write a junk string for some reason to stderr: CODE fprintf( stderr, "BLAH BLAH JUNK STRING" ); Okay, run the program... aha, in stderr.txt it says "BLAH BLAH JUNK STRING"...
  13. F

    GP2X It Doesn't Run On The Gp2x D:

    If it does, it'll probably become Robi: Genesis, a Game Maker project of mine. (yes, I know, Game Maker. Introductory but still a bit awkward to say on such forums). I fixed the problems, now there's only one thing seperating the Windows and gp2x executables: Windows draws at 60fps, but the...
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    GP2X It Doesn't Run On The Gp2x D:

    Wow, that looks a whole lot better than my original code. Thanks! ;D But there are a few issues that I am having with it: 1. xpos -= 96; <-- This sets the xpos back 96 pixels. It's supposed to set it to -96 so that the "PRESS START" scrolls smoothly across the screen. The result of the...
  15. F

    GP2X It Doesn't Run On The Gp2x D:

    Well, here's the problem with running telnet... There is no USB networking drivers that work with the gp2x for Windows XP x64 If someone could help me with this huge problem, I'd greatly appreciate it. Now that I'm done with that, I tried looking into my NAND memory to no avail (however I do...