Recent content by Killamurk07

  1. K

    My Wish Would Be.....

    lol porting halo 3 ..but anyways That was and Idea/wish...Its not insane because I was only thinking how it would be...
  2. K

    My Wish Would Be.....

    I would love to see Dark Reign 2 ported to Gp2x F-200..It would be nice because I play that game all the time ...But if its unable to get port to that console I would like to see it Ported to the regular MK2 Version..As I would use my USB Mouse. Anyone think this game can be Ported?
  3. K

    Just Some Questions I Need Answered

    Where did you buy yours? for $189
  4. K

    Just Some Questions I Need Answered

    Hey everyone haven't been on forums for a while..I just have a couple of questions. 1)How much do the Gp2x cost in US Dollars $$ -What are some of the gp2x sale sites that have cheap prices and shipping? 2)Do the Gp2x lag on most games? -I heard on youtube that some of the games lag 3)Is it...
  5. K

    Gp2x Multiplayer

    I really like the Gp2x...And I want to use it for Gaming and Internet and Probably movies to since it takes SD Cards
  6. K

    Gp2x Multiplayer

    I was wondering can the Gp2x get multiplayer between 2 Gp2x's? An is there anyway for the Gp2x get one the internet? The reasons I ask this question because I have a NDS I like Homebrew and other apps...