Release robotfindskitten


Laptop und Trachtenjanker
Oct 8, 2008
the mockracy
Pushed to the repository.

From <- read this for some entertaining background info.

Most of you probably know this, as the author calls it, zen simulation. There was a Pandora port, but it's not available anymore. BTW, there's more apps/games available on that aren't on

The game may not display correctly or even crash if the XFCE panel on your Pandora takes up a lot of room on the desktop. Download below, give it a whirl.


If it works we can start putting together a custom NKI file. NKI are all the non-kitten descriptions that robot encounters.

2017-01-08 23:44============================
+ proper formatting of readme file (check it out, it's funny!)
+ larger font
+ small delay at the end
2017-01-09 01:39============================
+ squashfs compression
2017-01-09 02:07============================
+ pushed to repo
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Do ad a wait before the window closes or else you cant read that you found the kitten.
This was very weird...
Works on my 1GHz unit, freshly upgraded to 1.76. What sort of things are you looking for for the NKIs? Simple strings? How many letters max? Funny, silly, or serious?

I had time to read that I'd found the kitten, and the animation made it pretty clear what was happening anyway.
New version uploaded in intial post

Simple strings? How many letters max? Funny, silly, or serious?
Strings, one per line, at most 70 characters. Funny, silly and serious pretty much describes what's there already. It's supposed to get you into an altered state of mind, imo just going with one direction wouldn't achieve that. It's in the balance I guess.

I had time to read that I'd found the kitten, and the animation made it pretty clear what was happening anyway.
I added a little delay anyway, also increased font size a bit.