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  1. F

    Dosbox! It's Confusing.

    I'm trying to get a fan-game project, known as Sonic Project Mettrix, running on the gp2x. It's a DOS-based game that uses dos4gw. My question is, does dosbox gp2x support dos4gw or not? If it does, what configuration options are needed?
  2. F

    It Won't Compile?

    So I'm getting back into programming stuff in C, and after about an hour of coding and no compiling and then compiling, I'm greeted with a single error (Both good -and- bad.): CODE In function 'SDL_main': invalid lvalue in assignment {Warning} large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type...
  3. F

    Any Touhou-esque Shmups For Gp2x?

    I've been hooked to bullet-hell shmups for a while, and I got into Touhou. Is there any bullet-hell, or curtain fire shmups for the gp2x that I haven't heard of? Speaking of which, how do I get NP22X working so I can run the older Touhou games?
  4. F

    Does Music Support In Sdl_mixer

    I can't put my finger on it... does SDL_mixer's music functionality just not work on the gp2x or is there something wrong with my code? I'm playing a 22050 Stereo ogg through the music functions, but no music comes out (sound effects still do though, and the music works on windows). I know...
  5. F

    GP2X Stderr Doesn't Appear On Gp2x Binary

    Alrighty, new problem at hand; I tried answering this myself on the other topic, but it didn't help. Let's say I'm going to write a junk string for some reason to stderr: CODE fprintf( stderr, "BLAH BLAH JUNK STRING" ); Okay, run the program... aha, in stderr.txt it says "BLAH BLAH JUNK STRING"...
  6. F

    GP2X It Doesn't Run On The Gp2x D:

    So I decided to give C one more chance, and I guess the last chance was the charm, because I've been enjoying programming this thing for the past 3 days. The problem is, recently this program I've been working on has stopped working on the gp2x (however it runs fine on Windows). It is an SDL...
  7. F

    Usb Connection Broken

    I just updated to firmware 2.1.0 and I want the Aurora skin back, since as advertised it isn't backward compatible with 2.0 skins. But, in order to use the skin, I have to put the .gps in the skin folder on the NAND. The only way I know of without uber H@x is to use the USB cable. But, when I...