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  1. H

    How Do I Exit Atari800 Emulation?

    I, for one, really appreciate all of your efforts. It's a fine emulator... :D
  2. H

    How Do I Exit Atari800 Emulation?

    Mapped in one of the .men files? in I have this but I'm not sure of the syntax... K:L|R:A:L|R:B:START:SELECT:R H:L|R|START|SELECT:REBOOT:60 H:L|R|START:RESET:60 H:L|R|SELECT:RESET:60 U:L:UI [snip] I looks like it wants me to press either a sequence or a combination. I would love...
  3. H

    How Do I Exit Atari800 Emulation?

    This may sound like a stupid problem but when playing a game in the atari800 emulator, I cannot figure out how to get back to the game selection menu to load another image. I'm thinking that I need to map an exit key combo to some file somwhere. Oh, what I wouldn't give for an ESCAPE key... ;)