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  1. F

    GP32 Carry case

    The entware one is perfect : it can fall that the gp wouldnt be hurt, very well protected. The only problem is so it is quite a big one
  2. F

    Is piracy a problem?

    isn't waba kind of jvm ? It is said so on gp32x and gp32news ... (though it must be very painful to code something fast enough in java for gp :) )
  3. F

    Which set of games works best ?

    There is lots of set of, I suppose, hacked games, but I met lots of problems on the automation one (bubble bobble and prince of persia not working for instance). What is the more compatible and more likely-to-work set of games amongs these that are on Joe's ftp ? thks
  4. F

    Prince of Persia (automation disk 389)

    Yes, as well as space, return and 1, 2 and 3
  5. F

    Prince of Persia (automation disk 389)

    Thanks for the answer !!! Unfortunately, I have the same problem with the disk with bubble bobble .... (disk 034) What a shame !!
  6. F

    Prince of Persia (automation disk 389)

    thanks for the answer but I know all that .... And as I said I tried every single button on the keyboard .... My question is more for someone that use the same disk and know what to do, because there is nothing written as "hit space" or smthg like that
  7. F

    Prince of Persia (automation disk 389)

    It starts, but then on the first screen (with the number of the disk and "prince of persia" written) I tried all the buttons of all the devices and never manage to go further. I am not very use with castaway so it may come from me , but anyway if someone can help .... Thanks