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  1. F

    LG optimus V

    I've been looking at getting an LG Optimus V to use as an Android device to play music, games, and a small internet device. It seems like a fairly decent device that should be capable of playing most apps without any lag problems, especially after rooting it and overclocking it a little. I...
  2. F

    Release Rockbox as an app

    Rockbox is normally a replacement firmware for a wide variety of DAPs/MP3 players (you can learn more about that here:, but it is also available as an android apk and an SDL app for the desktop. The last one is what this is considered. You should be able to use this build to...
  3. F

    Anyone try compiling things with -O3 ?

    Has anyone here tried compiling something like Mupen64 plus with the -O3 (or -Os)flag on make to implement all possible speed boosts in the compiler? I know that it wouldn't be as stable, but it could really help give the N64 emulator a considerable (10ish%) speed increase. I know that...
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    Back-lit keyboard?

    I'm sure other people have thought of having a back lit keyboard before. How easy (or effective) do you think it would be to "hack" a bunch of mini LEDs into the keyboard by drilling a tiny hole in them from the back and using the pandora's battery. I was thinking of something similar to how...
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    Best Office Suite for pandora?

    Are there any decent office programs (word, presentation and spreadsheet) available for the pandora? I haven't seen any on the open handhelds CGI site or on the pandora's "app market". Any ideas?
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    Wikipedia Reader?

    One thing that I know would be cool (and used by a lot of people) is a Wikipedia reader. There are a couple of handhelds that already do this ( like the several different wikipedia readers, along with iPodlinux and Rockbox, assuming you have the right build set up; along with many other things)...
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    Wiz Irc Channel?

    Just wanted to find out if the the GP2X/ Wiz has a somewhat active IRC channel. I didn't notice any mention of it on any wiki or anything. IF there is one, what server does it use (like freenode) and whats the channel name? Also, if there isnt one, has anyone considered making/starting one. I...
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    Best Firmware For The Wiz?

    Are there any other options for firmware for the Wiz to change the look/layout of the device. I ask this because the OFW seems really annoying with its color scheme and I would really to change it to something else.
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    Looking Into Getting A Wiz, And Finding A Starter Guide

    I have been thinking about buying myself a GP2X wiz for christmas this year from think geek. It seems awesome, and I havent really heard anything negative about it. But, what I really wanted to know is if there are any starter guides for it to help out new users and setting up their Wiz. Don't...