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    Gmenu In Nand With F200 ?

    Is it possible to install and launch Gmenu2x from NAND ? If yes, where should I copy the startscript ?
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    Gp2xmess-apple2e Emulation Don't Work On F200

    Hi all, I tried the Apple IIe emulation on my new F200 with GP2XMess, it just went back to the menu few seconds after I started apple2e.gpe. I sold my F100, so I can't compare both to find what's missing. :( My debug file : SDL: GP2X_CreateDevice SDL: GP2X_VideoInit fastioclk = 0, grpclk =...
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    Hi all, I noticed there's a Contiki port for GP, do someone know more about it ? Contiki homepage: Screenshot: