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  1. O

    Gamepark Selling Games Directly, Online!

    I used the install in GP32 Manager. You can download it from the same site under "Support."
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    Gamepark Selling Games Directly, Online!

    Ah, finally got Her Knights working. 9.84 appears to be the appropriate file size and it is already in English for those who were wondering.
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    The Most Horrible Games Of All Time!

    Drake of the 99 Dragons may be the worst game I have ever played, and I once owned an Atari Jaguar.
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    Worst Game Music

    I hate that "gonna take you for a ride" song from Marvel Vs Capcom 2 .
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    Microsoft Xp Sp2

    This may be totally coincidental but after I installed sp2 PC-Link stopped working. I can use the command line version but not the standard. :huh:
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    What Game Was This Song From??

    Arrgh... It is right on the tip of my brain... Now I'll never sleep.
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    Current Drinking Thread!

    Ahhh, from coffee to Chimay... Much better.
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    Current Drinking Thread!

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    Do You Want My Old Avatar Back?

    Yes, please bring back the old creepy stalker avatar, it made me happy for some awful reason.
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    The Very Original Current Listening Thread!!

    Cheking out new Helmet, not great, but I like it more than Aftertaste so far... That means nothing...
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    Another (lame?) Game Id

    It was called "Rescue: The Embassy Mission" on nes.
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    Official Best Games For Snes

    I do believe this is the only thing I ever say on these boards but: Shin Megami Tensei I will now retreat back into my cave.
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    Favourite Alcoholic Beverage

    That used to be all I drank, but now its mostly whatever beer is available.
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    Postal 2 Add-on

    Awww, I loved Postal. I was obsessive about killing all of the innocents in every level. I especially liked firing rockets into the marching band. The screams of "My eyes!" as people crawled around on the ground were good too... I swear I am not as horrible as all that makes me sound :P
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    New Screen?

    Yeah, My GP32 and my computer monitor share the same irritating flaw... Cleaning them makes them look dirty :angry:
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    What Music?

    He came to town once with Tomahawk opening for Tool and I had to miss it to go out of town. :( A friend of mine had even bought me a ticket for my birthday.
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    What Music?

    Excellent, Mike Patton is great.
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    Best Game Ever

    You must not have played Fire Pro :P
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    Gp32x Banned From College

    At work this site and many many many many others are blocked. That is why I use remote desktop to my home computer and use it for the internet.