Search results

  1. Avversario

    Pandas in Russia

    Hi everybody! Made an order about an hour ago! A list of what have been ordered: 1 GHz Pandora (not that pricey compared to my glasses - only lenses cost more o_O) Wooden Box Carry Case XStylus Crayon 64 GB SDXC Memory Card Pretty much excited about this device as I've never owned...
  2. Avversario

    Pandora custom engraving

    Hello again, EvilDragon! Is it possible to engrave Russian letters along with Latin ones when ordering Pandora? Or can I do it myself?
  3. Avversario

    Do you offer VAT deduction ( ?

    Hi! I don't live in the EU. Some EU retail shops and Internet ones (like Italian Amazon) offer VAT deduction for foreigners. I'm saving money for Pandora and was interested in how much money exactly do I need, so I'm asking you the question from the heading. Also, is 64GB Collectors Box going...