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  1. D

    Open Pandora 1 GHz Edition in perfect shape for sale

    So I'm finally through a Lot of work. I had no time to answere offers etc. But I'm back and I still want to sell my OP! Write, if you're interested! Greetings
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    Open Pandora 1 GHz Edition in perfect shape for sale

    So guys, if you're interested write me a personal message with your bid! But please, stay realistic :-D Greets
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    Open Pandora 1 GHz Edition in perfect shape for sale

    edit That's why I said "I wish to..." :-)
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    Open Pandora 1 GHz Edition in perfect shape for sale

    Hey there,  I want to sell my Open Pandora 1 GHz Edition. It's in perfekt shape, because I never had time to do much with it. That's the reason why I want to sell it, too. Only thing to grouch is, that a small part of the plastic shell of the battery hast a cut, but that is only a blemish. I...
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    removing sd card safely

    okay I will delete the mupen folder and re-flash  :) hope it works !
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    removing sd card safely

    Is there any way to remove the SD Cards safely out of my OP? Because everytime I put them back in my OP all the setting (for example of mupen64) are set back to normal.
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    Fragen zu Emulationen

    @Klumpen: nein versuche ich nicht :-D momentan ist es so, dass ich kein Spiel mehr mit dem mupen64 spielen kann. Einfach schwarzer Bildschirm beim Start. Habe auch schon die Config wie in diesem Thread verändert , aber...
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    Fragen zu Emulationen

    Zelda Okarina of time und Majora's Mask & Conker's Bad Fur Day! Und jetzt gehen die Probleme weiter :-D Wenn ich nun eines der Spiele starte blinkt der Bildschirm total und ich sehe den psx Startbildschirm ...
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    Fragen zu Emulationen

    Unterstützt es .zip jetzt oder nicht?^^
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    A few unanswered questions

    Okay I will try. What?! Why do I have pcsx r18 ?! :-D
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    Fragen zu Emulationen

    Ja die _config version gibt es wo man Einstellungsmöglichkeiten hat! Aber was soll ich da ändern? :?: -- Mi Jan 16, 2013 17:48 -- Unterstützt Mupen64plus überhaupt .zip?
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    A few unanswered questions

    psx: "You don't seem to have copied any BIOS files to <SD card>/pandora/appdata/pcsx_rearmed/bios" -> What BIOS files do it mean?
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    Fragen zu Emulationen

    Der SNES Emulator funktioniert ja bis jetzt, aber die anderen beiden nicht :X Wo kann man die dev Version finden? Und wa sollte ich an den settings ändern?
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    Fragen zu Emulationen

    Folgendes: Ich habe meinen OP neu und wollte gleich mal die Emulatoren ausprobieren, doch dabei habe ich folgende Probleme: -mupen64 Emulator findet die ROMs, man kann sie auch starten, aber dann wird der Bildschirm schwarz und man hört nur die Musik vom Spiel, wenn ich mupen schließen möchte...
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    A few unanswered questions

    That's strange. I can play SNES, what runs perfect (Played MegaMan X). I can't play mupen64 games (can start them but then the sceen turns black and I can only hear the games). I can't find any ROMs with psx, tried it million times  :unsure: What's the problem? I'm sure I have the latest...
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    A few unanswered questions

    Why does mupen64 turn my panda into a lightshow? I tried to play zelda and conker, but I looked at a black screen and could hear the music. When I then try to force mupen shutting down, the screen is blinking real fast! What is the problem? And how can I close mupen without forcing it to close?
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    Don't know what to do! First Boot up

    Okay after forcing a shutdown it rebooted and it worked. Overclocking was the error, put it down to 800 MHz
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    Don't know what to do! First Boot up

    So where my "pandora" folder is?
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    Don't know what to do! First Boot up

    Found your topic about updating the new firmware. I ask again if anything doesn't work :) Thanks for now Wait one question! What exactly is the "root" of my SD Card?
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    Don't know what to do! First Boot up

    So I have to put it on my SD Card and then? Because I already made my SD Card ready for the OP (see photo) So where should I put the firmware? I thought I can update this with the "Updater.pnd", put this in the "Apps" folder 