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  1. K

    Release Starcraft

    I do understand that this is a static recompile, not a dynamic interpreter for just "any" X86 Windows games. Perhaps I made the mistake of comparing it to Qemu and Dos-box, I was merely wondering what the performance difference this port would have compared to Starcraft running under those two...
  2. K

    Release Mupen64Plus 2.2

    I'm sure this has already been said, but Super Mario 64 actually was a little framey sometimes on my 1ghtz prior (namely the mario face intro screen), and now it's so smooth! Thankyou!
  3. K

    Transfer APK's to android via SD?

    Hi there, Unfortunately, I'm unable to achieve a reliable wifi connection through Android gingerbread on the Pandora, hence it's hard for me to actually get anything running on it. I've attempted to simply download the apk files of various apps I'd like to use from sites directly, but they...
  4. K

    Release Starcraft

    Although this isn't related specifically to Star-craft, I was wondering if this method could be applied to other 2D/Isometric RTS games from that era like "Majesty Kingdom Sim". And if so, how much of an advantage in terms of performance does this method have over Qemu or Dos-box? Could this...
  5. K

    Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

    Do I *need* the udpated drivers to play the Reincast games? Because I'd rather not update, if it means breaking Mupen64. Because honestly, I'd play more N64 games than Reincast games, at least until the compatiblity list expands :)
  6. K

    Am I just blind or...

    Thankyou :) A bit daft of me not to search like that.
  7. K

    Am I just blind or...

    I'm looking for something in the general boards *ahem*...., I believe a certain "password" is contained here, and I'd be very appreciative if someone could give me a hint ;) I'd assume it would've been stickied, but those posts don't seem to contain any information about the wiki. I'd like to...
  8. K

    What could we hope to emulate?

    That's great news, I haven't updated since its initial release! But how could you get past the Super Mario 64 DS loading screen? Wasn't it 'touch to start', or have they implemented stylus support? Must go check it out! *I'd love Game-cube emulation too, Super Mario sunshineeeeee!
  9. K

    What could we hope to emulate?

    "My lovely horse I want to hold you so tight", love that Father ted! :D Can't say I get the Sylvester McCoy reference though, I know he's the 7th Doctor and all but... Anyway thanks for the reponses everyone! I forgot about the Saturn. I didn't personally think it had many memorable releases...
  10. K

    What could we hope to emulate?

    Since the 6th regeneration requires some pretty mid/top range PC's (3.5 ghtz even for some PS2 games!) to emulate smoothly, what could the Pyra really hope to acheive beyond that which its former did? The only consoles I can think of would prehaps be Dremcast (I know the Panda can already cope...
  11. K

    Port Requests

    Anyone ever played Kan Gao's "To The Moon"? It's one of thos emotionally touching story-based games. Unforunately it uses some form of the RPGMAKER engine, which is exclusively .net But it seems now someone has ported the game to their own opensource engine, for linux! Would this be an easy...
  12. K

    Am I doing something wrong?

    I had the exact some issue! I just switched to the VLC pnd from the repo. I've never experianced issues since.
  13. K

    Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

    I'm a bit confused here. I'm trying to load Rayman 2. With certian BIOS/flash files, Reincast thinks its an audio disk, with others however, it just crashes. If it crashes, does that suggest that the games region was infact consistant with that of the BIOS files, but the emulator just couldn't...
  14. K

    Reicast - Dreamcast emulator for Android (Now Perhaps Pandora - See page 2)

    And yet no one has tried what many consider to be the holy-grail of gaming!? Half Life cancelled Dreamcast port. Except it's out there... I'll get a hold of it and report back :)