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  1. K

    Transfer APK's to android via SD?

    Hi there, Unfortunately, I'm unable to achieve a reliable wifi connection through Android gingerbread on the Pandora, hence it's hard for me to actually get anything running on it. I've attempted to simply download the apk files of various apps I'd like to use from sites directly, but they...
  2. K

    Am I just blind or...

    I'm looking for something in the general boards *ahem*...., I believe a certain "password" is contained here, and I'd be very appreciative if someone could give me a hint ;) I'd assume it would've been stickied, but those posts don't seem to contain any information about the wiki. I'd like to...
  3. K

    What could we hope to emulate?

    Since the 6th regeneration requires some pretty mid/top range PC's (3.5 ghtz even for some PS2 games!) to emulate smoothly, what could the Pyra really hope to acheive beyond that which its former did? The only consoles I can think of would prehaps be Dremcast (I know the Panda can already cope...