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  1. L

    How is it as a phone?

    I considered buying the Pyra to use as a phone, I'm not sure I will buy it though. I'm not interested in gaming, but I need a portable computing device and a phone, so the Pyra would be great for that, if only the design was a bit different. I'm not the only one with this need, I think there is...
  2. L

    Calling devices for the Pyra ?

    I'm not buying the Pyra exactly for this reason, I don't want to carry around something extra to be able to pick phone calls.
  3. L

    Found this on youtube :D

    This guy is not Venezuelan or Colombian. Since he first opened his mouth I was sure he is Mexican. He says that for this kind of devices he prefers Windows rather than Linux. To each its own, but for a small device like this I couldn't disagree more. There is nothing interesting in this...
  4. L

    Pyra as a Phone

    Clearly I'm not the only interested one in seeing an open source multi-purpose mini-computer with keyboard that can be used as a cellphone. So here is an idea: instead of fantasizing on wacky camera addons, bluetooth headsets and rationalizing an awkward cellphone device with "I almost never...
  5. L

    Pyra as a Phone
  6. L

    Pyra as a Phone

    The decision was "shitty" not due to its outcome, but due to the fact that its a hard one to make: either choice turns down potential buyers. At least that is how I understood it. There might be space for one of those tiny cameras I see in new phones nowadays. Not the best quality, but better...
  7. L

    Pyra as a Phone

    Ok, that's good to know, didn't see it in the spec sheet. Still, from the picture I can't imagine how you could use the Pyra as a phone without a headset. Is there a speaker on the right side of the keyboard? Even if there was one, it looks like it would have to be open while you talk, with...
  8. L

    Pyra as a Phone

    I would also love to use the Pyra as a phone, but the big problem here is the lack of an integrated microphone. Even if you carry a headset all the time (which I won't), by the time you pull out the Pyra, untangle the headset cable, put it in your ears and answer the call, the caller will hang...
  9. L

    Pidgin plugin for SMS/MMS?

    Ah yes, I love my N900 too, but it destroyed my social life by missing all those mms...