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  1. H

    Fenix Wiki

    is there one? something that lists functions and what they do, maybe with a short part of code on how to use it? there is prob. a file somewhere that has this, im just blind and dont see it. hhaha found it
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    Just Got A Used Gp32 From A Friend

    what will i need to do to get this up and runnign with my pc? i used to have a gp32 but sold it cause i needed money, nwo i got a new one. so i dont have the gp32 transfer program, and the new gp32 site is weird. do i need to do some confirmination to get this running, or is there another way...
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    GP32 So I've Taken A Class In C++

    and am half good. i had to make a tyme machine and i did that. all i know is text based stuff. but what i want to know is how to take what i learned and use it to make things for the gp32. i downloaded the library i beleive, (win32lib and inlcude folders?) but i cant seem to find any...
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    Check Out This Game

    LINK its called fishy. Play it for a while, it will seem dumb at first, it will seem dumb. but if you play the whole thing (3-6 hours) you will beat it. All you do is eat other fish, and GROW. addicting and a good time waisting game. just another good reason gp32 needs flash gaming support.
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    Gp32 Is Pissing Me Off So Bad

    why doex the damn thing keep timing out, ive done everything to try and fix it and no luck. damn hunk of junk.
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    Does Any Gp32 Mp3 Player

    does any gp32 mp3 player support zipped files?
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    Arghhhh (*help Please Urgent*)

    oops. how do I zip files to their own packages, instead of one big package. Ive got some nes games and want to save room, but dont want to click each one.
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    GP32 converting java to work with gp32

    ive seen some games that say they were made in java, but run on the gp32, is this done with c, and how?
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    GP32 xrick

    ok has anyone got xrick to compile?? everytime i try, i get errors. I found out it was missing some files, and that i needed to put a bin in c:/ but i still get errors, any help anyone?
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    GP32 argh help

    /cygdrive/c/devkitadv/arm-agb-elf/include/gpstdio.h:132: parse error before "ulo ng" /cygdrive/c/devkitadv/arm-agb-elf/include/gpstdio.h:133: parse error before "ulo ng" /cygdrive/c/devkitadv/arm-agb-elf/include/gpstdio.h:134: parse error before "ulo ng"...
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    weird snes prob.

    when i try to load a rom, the screen flashes and then goes to the gp32 bios doc. is this fixable?
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    flash player

    would it be possible to make a flash movie player for the gp32. This would make alot more games available because then we cauld play flash games on gp32, only prob. i see is setting up controls...