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  1. H


    i installed the new drivers, and i keep getting this error "the specified location does not contain info on your driver" anyone know how to get it to work
  2. H

    a few wishes

    calcualator? why isnt their one yet? and cyberbox, a classic but very addictuve game, goto any old dos game site, and search for it, you would be playing for hours. the gp32 will be able to handle it, and it shouldn't be to hard. I would do it, but im only in intro to programming, and...
  3. H

    extracting a .smc file

    ive got a .smc file, is their a way to extract it, or a program or something?
  4. H


    ok i used paypal to buy some mileages, how long till it actavates?
  5. H

    cleaning the gp32

    what do you use?
  6. H


    ok i got scumm, and day of the tentacle, but there are so many files for datt, do i need to put them all on my gp32?
  7. H

    compressing your mp3's

    ok first off, you need these programs the new gp32 mp3 player (old one won't play compressed) download this dietmp3 install that, make a new folder in it called compressed change setting's to what you want, sence the gp32 is so small, and the human ear sucks, i usually select the first...
  8. H


    ok i installed it, the icon is there, but start wont start it, nothing will, argh. And also, how well do the other avi players work?
  9. H

    help please

    okay so i got everything set up, i transfer wind ups, but how do i get it to run?