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  1. X

    Dungeon Master & Chaos Strikes Back Port Someone went to the bother of disassembling the original AtariST code and then translating the op-codes to C++. There are Windows, Linux, MacOSX and PocketPC versions available as well as the source code for the Windows & Linux versions. Apart from the...
  2. X

    Multiple .fpg Files Causing Massive Slowdown?!

    I've encountered a rather strange problem when trying to run my fenix project on the gp2x. I discovered that my latest build runs like an absolute dog, whereas the previous one ran fullspeed. I narrowed it down to using multiple fpg files for the graphics. Previously I had just been using a...
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    My First Fenix Project

    I finally decided to have a bash at coding in fenix, so I've been bumbling my way through various tutorials and source codes for about the past week. And, surprisingly, my first project is coming on quite well :) (better than I expected at least!) It's a remake/reworking of Cauldron II for the...
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    Gpfce Skin Pack V1.0

    This is my first contribution in a long time! A full readme is included in the zip, but here are the main points: Here are 9 menu background images for the emulator "gpfce" for the GP2X. All images are based on the title screens of actual NES games, keeping as true to the originals as...
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    Guildwars2x Skin V1.0

    I've just released my first skin based on Guild Wars. You can get it here:,0,0,0,52,1604 Let me know what you think! I've also got a Castlevania one in the works, but as I'm moving house tomorrow it'll not be finished for a few weeks yet. Any...
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    Questions About The Sd Card File System

    I've got a 2GB Sandisk card, and I've been running into some problems with programs and games randomly not working until they're reinstalled. This makes me think there's a problem with the file system so I'm going to reformat the card to see if it helps. So my question is this: I know that the...