15th Libre Software Meeting, July, 5-11th 2014, Montpellier, FRANCE

@ fantomid and ptitSeb: as you can see on my profile, I live in Nimes. Let me know if you'd like to have a drink ;)

Cheers, Magic Sam
Only if you pay.

I'll be there for both events.

Yeah, the RMLL are big, ED should come.
From JDLL,

To explain:
First point, I am in Lyon on booth about open source games, so I put a Pandora with Wesnoth and speak about Pyra.
Second point, will you be available at the beginning of July for the RMLL in Montpellier for a booth and a conference around open source games subject. Travel tickets may be paid by the organization.
Searching for Wesnoth's contact if they wish to be too in the RMLL for conference around open source games.
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In Lyon, I meet the guy who is trying to organize the open source games thread for the RMLL. He need more people so I propose him to contact you and contact Wesnoth's team we met during FOSDEM. What is your point ?