16 Days Coding Competition Deadline Reached


Certified Idiot :)
Jan 11, 2004
London, UK
The deadline for the 16 Days Coding Competition is now over. We have over 20 entries (Craig has a couple so not sure exactly how many just yet) which is a great show from the GP32 scene, well done to everyone that entered!

Results and entries will be made available in a few days time once the judges have had time to judge each entry and decide on the winners, please don't pester me on IRC for when the results or entries will be released! :) In the meantime here are a few links to images of random entries to wet your appetite :)

(Sorry cant hotlink to images on my site)

NOTE TO ENTRANTS: All entries submitted to the old email address have been recovered so I should have all submitted entries now. If you have not received a confirmation email please contact me at guyfawkes@NOSPAMgbaemu.com (remove NOSPAM) ASAP!
the only one that looks mildy interesting to me is the pic with solid snake in.. what with the GFX tho? they look very blocky :blink: hmm.. cant complain i guess, the gp32 maybe doesnt have a very strong 3D process point.
Shadow of Chaos posted on Oct 25 2004 at 01:12 AM said:
the only one that looks mildy interesting to me is the pic with solid snake in.. what with the GFX tho? they look very blocky :blink: hmm.. cant complain i guess, the gp32 maybe doesnt have a very strong 3D process point.

You're mean.

The results so far look good. The DDR clone has a nice interface at least, the Metal Gear Solid thing looks better than most 3D we've seen on the GP32 (if it's playable, that'll be awesome), and the other stuff looks cool too, even though I can't tell what they are. Very exciting.
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Nice teaser pics, methinks :)

The MGS one is especially impressive (in potentia, at least), though its good to see a couple more puzzle games that I don't think we've got yet. 3D tetris I've never gotten into (which is, I think, the 3rd one), but maybe I will this time - the other one, though - matching roadsigns - looks kinda fun for when there's a few minutes on hand.

The DDR clone is very well presented, but since I haven't a clue quite how it'll work, I'll reserve comment on that for now - but look forward to getting to try it in a few days time :).

I don't suppose there's any possibility of a list of entries prior to results and such, just to let us salivate some more? :)
gpmax looks awsome! hopefully, we will be able to use stepmania file with it ^_^ .
and u could always tues the joystick ands the buttons for use on the gp32. thats how i play ddr on fgb32! and u could also mod a ddr mat, the cheaps 1s of course(like the 1s at kik sang) to use.

just like this :lol:
Shadow of Chaos posted on Oct 25 2004 at 01:12 AM said:
the only one that looks mildy interesting to me is the pic with solid snake in.. what with the GFX tho? they look very blocky :blink: hmm.. cant complain i guess, the gp32 maybe doesnt have a very strong 3D process point.

The GP32 doesn't have 3D processor, and all the floating point operations must be done on software, so just showing a few poligons on the screen is really a big job. Also this pick is very close up. With the camera a little further it should look better... but also it will have to move more poligons, so let's see how it moves...
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So how many emus entered??? Any entry from fdave? Has anyone heard from him? I emailed him weeks ago with no reply.
davey g posted on Oct 25 2004 at 11:33 AM said:
Why is it that when any competition comes around people only want emulators? More homebrew games power + 1 !!!

Homebrew games !!!!!! +1000 ^^
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