GP2X F200 and Vocamaster F300 use an LCD screen. Wiz's display is going into an OLED controller, so unless it also supports LCD w/o hardware mods and the interface is fully exposed on the cable port then you can't just replace it. Even if it did it'd still just support 240x320. The Pollux does have a display controller which supports LCD, but it's being brought out to a TV-out chip. To gain access to it you'd have to do board surgery that's probably not practical. Even then, Wiz software wouldn't know to use it, unless they support TV out and I don't think anything does. Besides, how are you going to fit a 3.5" screen in the same case anyway?
I doubt the Vocamaster F300 has exactly the same board as the one in the Wiz, it's probably a variation.